Orange County NC Website
383 <br /> Draft <br /> potential since it's happening everywhere else, that there are limited areas that are prime, and interest from the <br /> non-residential development sector that they're looking for. And they've looked at interchanges. They look at <br /> visibility on the interstate and interchange and infrastructure. It wasn't until we got that quarter sales tax, part of it <br /> going to schools, part of it going to promote economic development, that we start putting infrastructure out there, so <br /> what prompts this whole process is there's been a lot of work done from Efland back to Mebane with infrastructure, <br /> we have something on the edge of Durham that's underway, and this has been the last area.And what has slowed <br /> us down a little bit was not wanting to put a million dollars of infrastructure in and have it turn to residential. <br /> Residential now is in EDH3 is by right. There's been some interest in the development community to do something <br /> out there. They may use EDH3 or 4 or 5, or they may come in with a master plan development which would be an <br /> additional zoning and they might have to go through this process again. But at least this will be a guide of what can <br /> be done out there.And if they go through that conditional zoning district process there's public meetings, what uses <br /> exactly go out there, so the 41 pages that Perdita listed will be there. <br /> Lydia Wegman: Are there comments? I'll just say with Paul, I'm a little uncertain about how exactly to proceed, as <br /> well but you're recommendation is important. <br /> MOTION by Lisa Stuckey to approve the Statement of Consistency. Seconded by Tony Blake. <br /> VOTE: 7-1 OPPOSED-GUTHRIE <br /> MOTION by Laura Nicholson to recommend approval of the amendments to the Orange County zoning atlas. <br /> Seconded by Buddy Hartley. <br /> VOTE: 7-1 OPPOSED-GUTHRIE <br /> Paul Guthrie opposed because he was uncertain. <br /> ********************************* <br /> 10 <br />