Agenda - 09-12-2016 - D.3 - Zoning Atlas Amendment – Hillsborough Economic Development District
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-12-2016 - Quarterly Public Hearing
Agenda - 09-12-2016 - D.3 - Zoning Atlas Amendment – Hillsborough Economic Development District
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9/2/2016 4:03:07 PM
Creation date
9/2/2016 2:25:03 PM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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Minutes 09-12-2016
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379 <br /> Draft <br /> Franklin Garland: The question here is if people had investigated, not if they would have been notified. No one was <br /> notified. I've been there since 1975. No one was notified. And that would make more sense. Let me explain <br /> something, you say I'm not affected because --- and I got notified because I'm within 1,000 feet. Well 1,000 feet I <br /> can walk back and forth ten times in this room and that's 1,000 feet. So I am affected. But I wasn't notified. <br /> Lisa Stuckey: My question was simply whether this land had been identified for Economic Development for many <br /> decades. <br /> Craig Benedict: On both the Orange County land use map and on our zoning map and also on the Hillsborough- <br /> County joint land use map we do note where there are flood zones and we restrict development in there. So you <br /> can see that, so yes, part of that 160 acres is encumbered by a flood plain and we recognize that and no <br /> development can occur there. But there are other lands that would be available. <br /> Perdita Holtz: I'm wondering if it might be helpful since these 3 items are inter-related to go on and do the <br /> presentation on the second and third items because it might answer some of the questions and then we'll wait to <br /> act on each of them until after the presentations.Would that be helpful? <br /> Lydia Wegman:Yes, I do.Thank you. <br /> MOTION[later in the evening, after all three related items had been presented]by Lydia Wegman. Seconded by Lisa <br /> Stuckey. <br /> VOTE: 7-1 OPPOSED-GUTHRIE <br /> Paul Guthrie: I am uncertain,which is why I voted no. <br /> Lydia Wegman: I am voting in favor because I think there is a benefit to diversify land use. <br /> Agenda Item 9: Unified Development Ordinance(UDO)Text Amendment: To make a recommendation to <br /> the BOCC on government-initiated amendments to the text of the UDO that would modify <br /> existing regulations that pertain to the Hillsborough Economic Development District. This <br /> item is scheduled for the September 12, 2016 quarterly public hearing <br /> Presenter: Perdita Holtz, Planning Systems Coordinator <br /> Perdita Holtz presented item. <br /> Lisa Stuckey: So you're going to allow apartments but not single family or duplexes?Why? <br /> Perdita Holtz: Well because the purpose of the EDDs is to promote non-residential uses. Multi family, although it is <br /> residential, it is actually taxed differently than single family residential. It's considered more of a commercial use so <br /> there is some diversification of the tax base that occurs with multi family. <br /> Lisa Stuckey: I think I read some place that there is a worry that if you permit single family that the land will actually <br /> get eaten up by that.That there's a tendency for subdivisions. <br /> Craig Benedict: Part of the Waterstone development, it's called planned development, part of the County plan was <br /> more non-residential and over the years the market, because of the recession, the non-residential component was <br /> more muted and after the recession faster residential growth comes back so some conversions were made there. <br /> So residential is easier and so it's good that these areas were preserved. EDH3 now allows single family.We had a <br /> proposal, some of the Board members may remember, that some of these lands were going to be part of <br /> Hillsborough's extra territorial jurisdiction. Mainly the ones north of 1-40. And they were going to affix their zoning <br /> category to it and they were going to consciously say which areas were going to be residential and non-residential. <br /> They didn't do that because part of the cooperative agreement didn't go forward. That's why we're here 2 years <br /> later saying, well we need to put a zoning category on it that fits exactly, as close to possible, what the intent of our <br /> 6 <br />
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