Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> Agenda materials from the August 3, 2016 Planning Board meeting can be viewed at: <br /> http://www.orangecountync.qov/8.3.16PIanningBoardAgendaPacket.pdf. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: Consideration and approval will not create the need for additional funding <br /> for the provision of County services. Costs for the required legal advertisement were paid from <br /> FY2016-17 Departmental funds budgeted for this purpose. Existing Planning staff included in <br /> the Departmental staffing budget will accomplish the work required to process this amendment. <br /> SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: There is no specific Orange County Social Justice Goal impact <br /> associated with this item. <br /> Please note the review and required findings of fact associated with special use permits is <br /> detailed within State law and the UDO. A finding that a project supports or in some way <br /> contributes to the concept of Social Justice is not a required finding and cannot be a basis of <br /> approval or denial. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends the Board: <br /> 1. Receive the application, <br /> 2. Conduct the Public Hearing and receive sworn testimony and evidence as well as the <br /> Planning Board and staff recommendation(s) on the application, <br /> 3. Close the public hearing, <br /> 4. Review and make a decision on the Findings of Fact and Conditions of Approval as <br /> contained in Attachment 8; <br /> Please note once the public hearing is closed there can be no further questions asked/answered <br /> by the staff, the applicant, or other party and no additional evidence can be placed into the <br /> record. If additional information is needed, the BOCC should continue the public hearing to a <br /> date/time certain in order to hear the information in a quasi-judicial setting. The date/time <br /> certain need not be a quarterly public hearing date (i.e. it can be a regular BOCC meeting date, <br /> if desired). <br />