<br /> CHCCS School Impact Fee Report(DRAFT)
<br /> Cash Flow Projections
<br /> This section summarizes the potential cash flow to Orange County if impact fees are implemented for
<br /> CHCCS at the maximum supportable amounts as detailed in this report. Figure 16 provides a summary of
<br /> the projected cash flow from the impact fees and associated capital costs over a five-year period.
<br /> School impact fee revenue averages approximately $3.49 million per year over the first five years, or
<br /> almost$17.45 million, if the fees are implemented at the maximum supportable level.The related school
<br /> local capital costs average approximately$4.65 million per year, or$23.28 million over five years. Based
<br /> on the projected impact fee revenues and associated costs,the fees are projected to cover approximately
<br /> 75 percent of the projected related capital costs. Funds can be accumulated for several years in order to
<br /> construct a major project.
<br /> Since the school impact fee includes a credit for existing debt, an overall deficit for schools is projected.
<br /> The projected deficit, indicated by "( )" around the numbers, will require supplemental revenue of
<br /> approximately$1.16 million per year. To the extent the rate of development either accelerates or slows
<br /> down, there will be a corresponding change in the fee revenue and related capital costs. See Appendix A
<br /> of this report for discussion of the development projections that drive the cash flow analysis.
<br /> Figure 16. Cash Flow Projections: CHCCS
<br /> 5-Year 5-Year 10-Year
<br /> 1 2 3 4 5 Average Cumulative Average Cumulative
<br /> 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Annual Total Annual Total
<br /> SCHOOLS
<br /> 1 Single Family Detached $1,193 $1,193 $1,193 $1,193 $1,193 $1,193 $5,965 $1,193 $11,930
<br /> 2 Single Family Attached $747 $747 $747 $747 $747 $747 $3,736 $747 $7,472
<br /> 3 Multifamily $1,549 $1549 $1549 $1549 $1549 $1549 $7,747 $1549 $15,493
<br /> 4 Manufactured $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
<br /> Subtotal Schools Fees $3,489 $3,489 $3,489 $3,489 $3,489 $3,489 $17,447 $3,489 $34,895
<br /> TOTAL FEE REVENUE $3,489 $3,489 $3,489 $3,489 $3,489 $3,489 $17,447 $3,489 $34,895
<br /> CAPITAL i
<br /> PROJECTED �i� r�;�����alShare)
<br /> SCHOOLS
<br /> Schools-Elementary $1,867 $1,867 $1,867 $1,867 $1,867 $1,867 $9,336 $1,867 $18,671
<br /> Schools-Middle $1,247 $1,247 $1,247 $1,247 $1,247 $1,247 $6,236 $1,247 $12,473
<br /> Schools-High $1,541 $1541 $1541 $1541 $1541 $1541 $7,707 $1541 $15,413
<br /> Subtotal Schools Costs $4,656 $4,656 $4,656 $4,656 $4,656 $4,656 $23,279 $4,656 $46,557
<br /> TOTAL CAPITAL COSTS $4,656 $4,656 $4,656 $4,656 $4,656 $4,656 $23,279 $4,656 $46,557
<br /> NET CAPITAL FACILITIES CASH FLOW-Schools Current$in thousands
<br /> Annual Surplus(or Deficit) ($1,166) ($1,166) (,1 166) ($1,166) ($1,166) ($1,166) ($1,166)
<br /> Cumulative Surplus(or Deficit) ($1,166) ($2,332) ($3,499) ($4,665) ($5,831) ($15,831) (;;11,662)
<br /> 20
<br />