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25 <br /> CHCCS School Impact Fee Report(DRAFT) <br /> Figure 14. Schools Impact Fee Input Variables: CHCCS <br /> Current Level of Service Standards <br /> Elementary Middle High <br /> Square Feet per Student 140.58 160.68 162.65 <br /> Cost per Sq.Ft. $277 $287 $252 <br /> Total Building Construction Cost per Student $38,961.27 $46,178.91 $40,936.72 <br /> Portable Classrooms per Student 0.0044 0.0006 0.0052 <br /> Cost per Portable Classroom $78,000 $78,000 $78,000 <br /> Portable Classroom Cost per Student $344.09 $49.52 $402.58 <br /> CHCCS Support Facilities per Student(Sq.Ft.) 5.81 5.81 5.81 <br /> Cost per Sq.Ft. $200 $200 $200 <br /> OCS/CHCCS Transp.Facility per Student(Sq.Ft.) 0.60 0.60 0.60 <br /> Cost per Sq.Ft. $225 $225 $225 <br /> Support Facility Cost per Student $1,295.67 $1,295.67 $1,295.67 <br /> Buses/Vehicles per Student 0.01137 0.01137 0.01137 <br /> Weighted Average Cost per Bus/Vehicle $70,040 $70,040 $70,040 <br /> Bus/Vehicle Cost per Student $796.57 $796.57 $796.57 <br /> Consultant Study Cost per Student $134.92 $134.92 $134.92 <br /> Total Gross Cost Per Student $41,532.52 $48,455.58 $43,566.45 <br /> Local Share of Capacity Cost 99% 99% 99% <br /> Total Gross Local Capital Cost per Student $41,117.19 $47,971.03 $43,130.78 <br /> Principal Payment Credit per Student ($4,246.69) ($4,246.69) ($4,246.69) <br /> Total Net Local Capital Cost per Student $36,870.50 $43,724.33 $38,884.09 <br /> Average Capital Cost per Student(all levels) $39,826.31 <br /> MAXIMUM L IMPACT FEES FOR CHAPEL HILL-CARRBORO CITY SCHOOLS <br /> Figure 15 shows the schedule of maximum supportable impact fees for CHCCS.The fees are calculated by <br /> multiplying the student generation rate for each housing type (shown at the top of Figure 15) by the net <br /> capital cost per student for each type of school. Each component is then added together to derive the <br /> total public school impact fee. For example,for a 0-3 bedroom single family detached unit,the elementary <br /> school portion of the fee is calculated by multiplying the student generation rate of 0.150 by the net local <br /> capital cost per elementary student of $36,870.50, which results in a fee of $5,530 (truncated). This is <br /> repeated for the other school levels. The three portions of the fee are added together to calculate the <br /> total fee by type of residential unit(i.e.,for 0-3 bedroom single family detached: $5,530+$3,541+$4,043 <br /> = $13,114.)8 For age-restricted units, the student generation rate of 0.019 is multiplied by the average <br /> total net local capital cost per student for all school levels($39,826.31),since the school level of generated <br /> pupils was not available in the Epcon Communities data.This results in a fee of$756 per unit. <br /> 8 Because the analysis uses figures carried to their ultimate decimal places,the sums and products shown may not equal the sum <br /> or product if the reader replicates the calculation with the factors shown in the report. <br /> 18 <br />