<br /> CHCCS School Impact Fee Report(DRAFT)
<br /> TischlerBise analyzed costs for school construction in the CHCCS system.Costs for completed and planned
<br /> school projects in CHCCS were provided by the Orange County Finance Office and CHCCS. TischlerBise
<br /> adjusted previous costs to current(2016 01) dollars, where appropriate, using the Turner Building Index,
<br /> a well-known and widely available construction price index. Current school costs represent the average
<br /> costs to construct elementary, middle, and high schools in the CHCCS System. As shown in Figure 9,
<br /> construction costs average between$252 and$288 per square foot.Specifically,the costs are as follows—
<br /> elementary: $277 per square foot; middle: $287 per square foot; and high: $252 per square foot.
<br /> Figure 9. School Project Costs
<br /> School Year Cost Index Factor Adjusted Cost[1] Square Feet Cost per SF Capacity Cost per Seat
<br /> Morris Grove Elementary 2008 $24,342,000 107% $26,004,119 90,221 $288 585 $44,451
<br /> Northside Elementary 2013 $23,158,000 112% $25,999,144 97,423 $267 585 $44,443
<br /> Elem.Subtotal $52,003,262 187,644 $277 1,170 $44,447
<br /> Middle School Prototype(per seat)[2] - $46,179 - $46,179 160.68 $287 1 $46,179
<br /> Carrboro High[3] 2007,2011 $36,778,860 114% $41,774,583 165,976 $252 800 $52,218
<br /> $84,325,039 $93,824,025 353,781 $265 1,971 $47,602
<br /> [1]Adjusted using the Turner Building Cost Index,2016 First Quarter Forecast.
<br /> [2]Derived as a percentage of the OCS cost per sq.ft.for middle schools.TischlerBise defined a)the relationship between CHCCS and OCS of the average cost per sq.ft.for all recent school projects and
<br /> b)the relationship between OCS's middle school and its elementary and high schools.These two percentages are then multiplied by OCS's cost per sq.ft.for middle schools to derive the average CHCCS cost.
<br /> [3]Includes Cultural Arts addition in 2011.Cost indexed using 2007 figures.
<br /> CHCCS currently uses portable classrooms for additional classroom capacity with a total of 73 classrooms
<br /> currently in use.The cost for each portable classroom is$78,000, per Orange County staff.
<br /> The impact fees also include costs to provide additional support facilities such as administrative office
<br /> space, maintenance facilities, and bus garages to accommodate future growth in enrollment. For CHCCS,
<br /> support facilities include office space and gymnasium at Lincoln Center, a maintenance building, and the
<br /> Transportation Center.The joint use Transportation Facility serves both school systems in the county and,
<br /> therefore, costs are allocated to current enrollment in both districts (see Appendix A). Costs were
<br /> confirmed with CHCCS staff. The following two figures reflect current LOS and cost factors for these
<br /> facilities.
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