Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> CHCCS School Impact Fee Report(DRAFT) <br /> Figure 2. Student Generation Rates: CHCCS <br /> School Level <br /> Type of Unit Elementary(K-5) Middle(6-8) High(9-12) Total <br /> Single Family Detached <br /> 0-3 Bedrooms 0.150 0.081 0.104 0.336 <br /> 4+Bedrooms 0.258 0.160 0.222 0.640 <br /> Total 0.189 0.110 0.147 0.446 <br /> Single Family Detached(<800 Sq.Ft.) 0.048 0.036 0.013 0.096 <br /> Single Family Attached <br /> 0-2 Bedrooms 0.158 0.058 0.049 0.265 <br /> 3+Bedrooms 0.252 0.082 0.091 0.425 <br /> Total 0.224 0.075 0.079 0.378 <br /> Multifamily <br /> 0-2 Bedrooms 0.065 0.021 0.029 0.115 <br /> 3+Bedrooms 0.236 0.118 0.130 0.485 <br /> Total 0.095 0.038 0.047 0.180 <br /> Manufactured 0.088 0.045 0.046 0.179 <br /> As shown above, a 0-3 bedroom single family detached unit is estimated to generate a total of 0.336 <br /> students (with 0.150 in elementary grades, 0.081 in middle school grades, and 0.104 in high school <br /> grades), a 4+bedroom single family detached unit is estimated to generate a total of 0.640 students, and <br /> a single family detached unit with less than 800 square feet generates a total of 0.096. For single family <br /> attached, a 0-2 bedroom unit is estimated to generate a total of 0.265 students and a 3+ bedroom unit is <br /> estimated to generate a total of 0.425; for multifamily units, a 0-2 bedroom unit is estimated to generate <br /> a total of 0.115 students and 3+ bedroom unit is estimated to generate 0.485; and a manufactured home <br /> is estimated to generate a total of 0.179 students per unit. <br /> Additionally, TischlerBise calculated a generation rate for age-restricted units (those units in <br /> developments that restrict the number of units with occupants aged under 55 years old) based on data <br /> provided by Epcon Communities.This type of community is relatively new to the development landscape <br /> in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill region. Figure 3 shows available data,which yields a student generation <br /> rate of 0.019. As these developments reach maturity and other age-restricted communities come to <br /> market, TischlerBise recommends updating the student generation rate calculation for age-restricted <br /> units. <br /> Figure 3. Age-Restricted Unit Generation Rates <br /> Development Location Homes Head of Household<55 y.o. School Age Children <br /> Courtyards at Culp Arbor Durham,NC 69 2 0 <br /> Courtyards at Cary Cary,NC 15 0 0 <br /> Courtyards at Okelly-Chapel Cary,NC 22 2 0 <br /> Villas at Maple Creek Westerville,OH 52 2 3 <br /> 158 6 3 <br /> Student Generation Rate 0.019 <br /> Source:Epcon Communities <br /> 10 <br />