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Approved 113107 <br />Q jq <br />MINUTES <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br />DECEMBER 6, 2006 <br />REGULAR MEETING 7:30 p.m: 10:00 p.m. <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Jay Bryan, Chapel Hill Representative (Chair); Brian Crawford, Eno <br />Township At-Large; Brian Dobyns, Cheeks Township Representative; Craufiard Goodwin, Hillsborough <br />Representative; Joel Knight, Little River Representative; Sam Lasris, Cedar Grove Township At-Large; <br />Bernadette Pelissier, Bingham Township; Renee Price-Saunders, Hillsborough Township At-Large (Vice- <br />Chair); Sandra Johnson Quinn, Eno Township; Jeffrey Schmitt, Cedar Grove Township At-Large; Judith <br />Wegner, Bingham Township At-Large (arrived at 8:23 p.m.) <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: Michelle Kempinski, Cedar Grove Township At-Large <br />STAFF PRESENT: Craig Benedict, Planning Director; Tom Altieri, Comprehensive Planning <br />Supervisor; Gene Bell, Planning Systems Coordinator; Robert Davis, Current Planning Supervisor; Eddie <br />Kirk, Planner II; Michael Harvey, Planner 11; Jennifer Leaf, Planner I; Debra Graham, Administrative <br />Assistant. <br />AGENDA ITEM #1: CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL <br />AGENDA ITEM #2: INFORMATIONAL ITEMS <br />a. Next Regular Planning Board Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 3, 2007 (See <br />Item 8) <br />b. Planning Calendar for December and January <br />AGENDA ITEM #3: APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />a. November 1, 2006 <br />b. November 15, 2006 (Special Meeting) <br />Renee Price-Saunders made a change online 210 from unyieldy to unwieldy. <br />Jay Bryan's changes were, on line 237, to add, "present her a gift and card of appreciation from the <br />Planning Board." He would also like the language of the resolution to be placed in the minutes. <br />MOTION made by Jeff Schmitt, seconded by ??(Mr. Speaker) to approve the minutes of November 1, <br />2006, with changes as stated above. <br />VOTE: Unanimous <br />(These changes have been made) <br />Jay Bryan asked for discussion on the minutes of November 15th. Craufurd Goodwin pointed out line 241 <br />and said that he said that it was a mistake to hire "two consultants". Secondly, he was uneasy about the <br />cozy nature "of this process." <br />Sam Lasris pointed out that he was not present at this meeting, but was listed as such.