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I? <br />It is expected that, as this Phase I document is adopted, Hillsborough will undertake preparation of a parcel- <br />specific Land Use Plan for areas shown as gray on page 23 of this document (existing Town limits and newly <br />adjusted Extraterritorial Area). Hillsborough and Orange County will jointly prepare a parcel-specific Land Use <br />Plan for the area shown in orange and blue on this same map, areas of joint interest. The policies contained in <br />this Phase I document will serve as a starting point and foundation for designation of parcel-specific land use. <br />Water Consumption <br />It was pointed out at the November 27 Public Hearing that a recent report presented to the Hillsborough Town <br />Board contained information about present water consumption that is different from the information contained in <br />the Strategic Growth Plan document. The Strategic Growth Plan describes a current peak daily consumption <br />rate for Hillsborough of 1.9 million gallons per day. The recent report (dated November 17, 2006) describes a <br />current average daily use of 1.195 million gallons per day. <br />The main reason for difference between these numbers is the difference between average use and peak daily <br />use. Peak daily use is higher than average use. Both numbers are important for planning purposes. The peak <br />number is the one to use in calculating needs for additional facility capacity. The November 17 report describes <br />current peak use as 1.77 million gallons per day, a more current figure than (but close to) the 1.9 figure referred <br />to in the Strategic Growth Plan report. Accordingly, we have adjusted the text of the Plan to use this most <br />current 1.77 figure. The slight difference between the 1.77 and 1.9 figures does not alter the Plan's policy <br />conclusions nor recommendations. <br />Process for Approvals <br />The recommended process for review and approval of development applications is described in the <br />Implementation section of the Strategic Growth Plan report (pages 19-22) and also in the Summary (page 14). <br />It was pointed out that, in several paragraphs of those pages, approval authority was described in different <br />ways. <br />We have corrected the text of those pages of the report to achieve consistency in the language. The key <br />concepts are as follows, with reference to the map on page 23 of the Plan: <br />Gray areas: Unilateral Town jurisdiction over zoning and approvals (existing Town limits and ETJ). <br />Orange area Joint interest. Legal authority for zoning will remain with the County. Following joint <br />adoption of a land use plan for those areas, the County will (through the Interlocal Agreement) <br />delegate authority for administration of zoning to the Town. Accordingly, for review and processing <br />of development applications in these areas, the process will be the same as if the area were in the <br />Town's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. For proposed rezonings in these areas, joint approval by both <br />the Town and the County would be required. <br />Blue areas: Joint interest. Legal authority for zoning will remain with the County. Following joint <br />adoption of a land use plan for those areas, the County will (through the Interlocal Agreement) <br />agree to joint review of development and rezoning applications. Approval of such applications <br />would remain a County function. <br />Yellow areas: Rural Buffer. Unilateral County jurisdiction of zoning and approvals, with information <br />exchange procedures established with the Town through the Interlocal Agreement. <br />The final adopted Plan will consistently reflect this approach, and an executed Interlocal Agreement will be the <br />instrument that formally and legally puts the approval process in place.