Orange County NC Website
Special District created by GoTriangle on or about May 25, 2016 pursuant to authorizing <br /> resolutions and N.C.G.S. 105-508 et seq. <br /> 2.11 "WAKE COUNTY FINANCIAL PLAN" shall mean the financial plan attached hereto <br /> as Exhibit B, required pursuant to N.C.G.S. 105-508.1 for the implementation of the Wake <br /> County Transit Plan. The initial Financial Plan is the Plan Implementation and Finance section <br /> set forth in pages 32-36 of the Wake County Transit Plan. The Wake County Financial Plan <br /> shall only include funds that would be budgeted and reported in the Wake Transit Plan major <br /> operating and capital funds, excluding plans from any other counties or associated with any other <br /> plans in the Tax District. The Wake County Financial Plan shall also segregate all Wake Tax <br /> Revenues and Wake Transit Plan Revenues from any and all Non-Wake County Revenues or <br /> Transit Plans associated with projects or expenditures that are not included in the Wake County <br /> Transit Plan. <br /> 2.12 "WAKE COUNTY TAX REVENUE" shall be defined as all revenues derived from <br /> transit funding sources in support of the Wake Transit Plan, which shal I include the '/2 percent <br /> local option sales and use tax as defined by N.C.G.S. 105-508; the County vehicle registration <br /> fee assessed by the Wake County Board of Commissioners in accordance with N.C.G.S. 105-570 <br /> et seq.; the increased portion of the regional vehicle registration fee assessed by GoTriangle in <br /> accordance with N.C.G.S. 105-561 et seq. allocated to Wake County; and the portion of vehicle <br /> rental tax collected by GoTriangle pursuant to N.C.G.S. 105-550 et seq. and as allocated by the <br /> GoTriangle Board of Trustees to Wake County. <br /> 2.13 "WAKE COUNTY TRANSIT PLAN" shall mean the document entitled "Recommended <br /> Wake County Transit Plan" dated December 2015, being that same document approved by the <br /> Wake County Board of Commissioners pursuant to a Resolution on June 6, 2016. <br /> 2.14 "WAKE TRANSIT PLAN REVENUE" shall mean Wake County Tax Revenue, any <br /> federal or state funds, debt proceeds, fares, local contributions, and other sources of revenue used <br /> to fund the Wake County Transit Plan. <br /> 2.15 "WAKE COUNTY TRANSIT WORK PLAN"or"WAKE TRANSIT WORK PLAN" <br /> shall mean the comprehensive plan for transit capital and operations in Wake County presented <br /> by the TPAC which shall include all of the separate components of <br /> a. Annual Operating Budget Ordinance. This shall be supplied for the Wake <br /> Transit major operating fund which will appropriate funds for the operation and <br /> administration of transit projects as well as for any other agencies involved in producing <br /> products for TPAC review; <br /> b. Annual Tax District administration budget for the Wake Transit major operating <br /> and capital fund; <br /> C. Multi-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) supplied for the Wake Transit major <br /> capital fund that clearly identifies specific projects, project sponsors responsible for <br /> undertaking those projects, project funding sources, and project expenditures. (NOTE: <br /> 8 <br />