Orange County NC Website
. o. <br />A RESOLUTION REQUESTING 'COUNTY AUTHORIZATION TO ASSUME <br />MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY FOR A PROPOSED SIDEWALK ON MARTIN <br />LUTHER KING JR. BOULEVARD (NC . 86) AUTHORIZING A MUNICIPAL <br />AGREEMENT WITH THE STATE FOR SIDEWALKS ON MARTIN LUTHER KING <br />JR. BOULEVARD (2007-01-22/R-14) <br />WHEREAS, the section of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard (NC 86) north and west of its <br />intersection with Weaver Dairy Road is located beyond the Town limits of the Town of Chapel <br />Hill but is located inside the Town of Chapel Hill Joint Planning Transition Area; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Chapel Hill desires 'to facilitate the construction of a sidewalk in this <br />location from Weaver Dairy Road to Perkins Drive; and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 936, Section 1 of the 1986 Session, Laws of the General <br />Assembly of North Carolina, the prior approval of the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />is required in order for the Town of Chapel Hill to assume maintenance responsibilities for the <br />section of sidewalk on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard after installation; and <br />WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation and the Town of Chapel Hill may enter an <br />agreement for the installation of the aforementioned highway improvements whereby the Town. <br />of Chapel Hill agrees to assume maintenance responsibilities for the sidewalks after installation; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Town of Chapel Hill that the <br />Council authorizes the Mayor to request. that the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />authorize the Town to assume maintenance responsibilities for the sidewalk on Martin Luther <br />King Jr. Boulevard after installation; upon such approval, the Council authorizes the Town <br />Manager to execute a Municipal Agreement with the North Carolina Department of <br />Transportation for said project. <br />This the 22" a day of January, 2007.