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DocuSign Envelope ID 4230r103~^288-4o08e8e0'1e0C0o115E45 <br /> Proposal for CMI Services Summit Proposal#T16-0065 <br /> Fairview Park Parking Area August |l, 2016 <br /> Hillsborough, North Carolina <br /> We will mold one set of five 4x8 inch concrete compression test cylinders at frequencies specified <br /> in the pr 'cctupeoifiuutiona, fbrcoohtypeofconcretcp|acedporduy. Cnocrctemyecinncnmvvi\|be <br /> picked up and delivered to our laboratory after the initial on-site curing period. <br /> Task 004—Pavements and Bases <br /> Summit will provide a senior engineering technician working under the supervision of a registered <br /> engineer to observe proofrolls of the prepared soil subgrade prior to ABC stone, asphalt and <br /> concrete paving operations.ABC stone base compaction tests will also be performed by the nuclear <br /> gauge method or sand-cone method, as related to a standard proctor laboratory compaction test. <br /> We will provide a Senior Engineering Technician as needed to observe the placement of concrete <br /> pavements and hot-mix asphalt. Additionally, we will periodically monitor hot-mix asphalt <br /> delivery temperatures, rolled thickness, and perform asphalt density testing with a nuclear gauge. <br /> Task 005—Laboratory Testing <br /> In an effort to maintain the highest quality control standards within our company, our laboratory, <br /> equipment, and personnel are inspected both by our internal Quality Control Group and a variety <br /> of external agencies. Our laboratory and personnel periodically go through inspections and have <br /> received accreditations through CCRL (Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory) relating to <br /> ASTM C1077 Standards; and /\MP5. (AASHTO Materials Reference Laboratory) relating to <br /> AASHTO and ykBIM [) 3740 Standards. Each of these organizations is part of the National <br /> Institute of Standards and Technology. We have also been inspected and accredited by the Soil <br /> and Materials Laboratory of NCDOT. <br /> Laboratory testing will be performed in accordance with the pr ject document requirements to <br /> evaluate that materials comply with project requirements. Results of laboratory testing will be <br /> provided to the construction manager and designated pr ject team members as soon as practicably <br /> available. <br /> We anticipate that testing will be required for backfill material. Samples collected from the job <br /> site will be secured and returned to our laboratory for testing, as required. Our budget includes <br /> laboratory testing of soils, including maximum dry unit weight/optimum moisture curves, <br /> Atterberg limits, and No. 200 wash sieves for 2 samples. <br /> Task 006—Pr ject Management and Engineering Consultation <br /> Our p ject organization will include various field testing and inspections staff working under the <br /> direct supervision of Jeff Elliott, PE. Our assigned project ject manager will oversee the administrative <br /> functions for the project, including assignment of appropriate field personnel, review of field data, <br /> laboratory data, inspection reports, and communication the following with pr ject team personnel <br /> and owner: <br /> • The results of our field testing and inspections for each day will be summarized in a daily <br /> field report, with all results communicated to appropriate on site personnel. <br /> 3 <br />