Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 08671365-A26A-45AE-A1 BO-C9F674AC3364 <br /> i. County Funds Only. "This program is supported by the Orange <br /> County Arts Commission. " <br /> ii. X North Carolina Arts Council Funding. "This program is supported by the <br /> Orange County Arts Commission with funds from the Grassroots Program of <br /> the North Carolina Arts Council, a state agency. " <br /> B. The Grant Recipient must enter all events, exhibits and performances open to the <br /> public and related to this grant award on t he <br /> website and display publicity materials <br /> (postcards, brochures, etc.) prominently and consistently at their venue or <br /> performance space. In addition, the Grant Recipient must add a link to the <br /> ( logo preferred) <br /> to their main webpage. The Grant Recipient shall contact the Orange County Arts <br /> Commission for replacement publicity materials. <br /> 7. Indemnity. The Grant Recipient agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the County, the <br /> Arts Commission and the North Carolina Arts Council and their officers and employees <br /> from any and all claims or actual injury, damage or loss to a person, or real or personal <br /> property that results from or is in any way connected to the use of the grant funds. <br /> 8. Independent Contractor. The Grant Recipient is an independent contractor and not an <br /> employee, agent or other representative of the County and/or the Arts Commission. <br /> Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to create the relationship of <br /> principal and agent, or employer and employee, between Grant Recipient and Arts <br /> Commission or Orange County Government. Grant Recipient understands and agrees <br /> that he/she is not authorized to incur any expenses or any liability whatsoever on behalf <br /> of the County or the Arts Commission and has no authority, expressed or implied, to <br /> obligate or make representations on be half of the County or the Arts Commission. In <br /> addition, Grant Recipient agrees to maintain his or her own worker's compensation <br /> insurance for himself/herself and his or her employees for the duration of the art work's <br /> installation. <br /> 9. Termination <br /> A. In the event of any of the circumstances set forth below (hereinafter referred to as <br /> "default"), the Arts Commission may immediately terminate this Agreement: <br /> (i) Any fraudulent representation in any verification required to obtain <br /> payment under this Agreement or other dishonesty on a material matter <br /> relating to the performance of services under this Agreement. <br /> (ii) Nonperformance, incomplete service or performance, or failure to <br /> satisfactorily perform any part of the Project or to comply with any <br /> provision of this Agreement, as determined by the Arts Commission in its <br /> sole discretion. <br /> 3 <br /> Revised June 2015 <br />