Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:AD5F5195-5261-42DC-B9BC-0C3A2COAA716 <br /> Artist Experience - feasibility of project <br /> The Northside project is one of a series of doc-u-art projects I have completed over <br /> the past 25 years. Initially, in the 1990's, I worked with silver and color prints, <br /> collaging the traditional way with glue. In 1999. I moved into the "digital darkroom" <br /> and now use Photoshop to create the collages. As a result, I have considerable <br /> proficiency working with digital images. Once I scan the Northside images, I will <br /> have no trouble recreating the original collages. In fact, digital technology will allow <br /> me to get a more seamless effect and improve on the original material. <br /> Based on my previous doc-u-art projects, I feel that my estimates (time and cost) for <br /> this project are realistic. My goal will be to complete the work by October 2016. <br /> Upon completion of the work, I will display the work at the EmPOWERment <br /> anniversary event and arrange for additional exhibitions in public spaces and <br /> schools in the area. <br /> The visual material will also be archived at Wilson library and linked to the <br /> interviews already archived and online. <br /> Simone- Portraits of Northside - page 3 <br />