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DocuSign Envelope ID:CF9CCDA7-654A-4636-8636-D086CDC8600C <br /> NARRATIVE <br /> ORANGE COUNTY ARTS COMMISSION GRANT APPLICATION-SPRING GRANT 2016 <br /> APPLICATION FROM PRESERVATION CHAPEL HILL <br /> ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE <br /> Since the inception of the organization in 1972, Preservation Chapel Hill, in addition to its <br /> work preserving historic buildings and districts, documenting slave cemeteries and educating <br /> the public about the Town's history (including that of Carrboro) has had two major cultural <br /> programs-The Art Program and the Music Program. The 40 year Art Program has spawned many <br /> prestigious art careers as testified in Preservation Chapel Hill's 40th"Anniversary's <br /> retrospective art exhibition four years ago which was supported by an OCAC grant. <br /> Preservation Chapel Hill has a membership of close to 350 local people whose support over <br /> the past forty years has enabled the Society to function and support its many community <br /> impacting endeavors, including its Art Program. <br /> Sadly In March 2016, the Board of Preservation Chapel Hill, for financial reasons, decided to <br /> terminate its position of Executive Director given the high costs involved of employing a full <br /> time staff person. Since then, the organization has become all volunteer, employing a site <br /> manager who works on an hourly basis at events (wedding parties and our art receptions) and <br /> a book keeper who works for the organization 8 hours a month. By eliminating the position of <br /> Executive Director, the Board of Preservation Chapel Hill hopes to recoup its financial losses <br /> rapidly and sustain its existing programs, Art, Music and the preservation of local historic <br /> buildings and neighborhoods(including Traditional African American communities) using local <br /> professional volunteers. The House is rented out for a few events and weddings a year but the <br /> cost of preserving the building weighs heavily on the annual budget. <br /> CURRENT PROGRAMS <br /> THE ART PROGRAM <br /> As noted, the Art Program is forty years old. Starting from humble beginnings in 1972 it has <br /> blossomed into one of the Triangle's most important art venues. Preservation Chapel Hill's Art <br /> Committee comprises 10 members- all credentialed working artists. It is Co-Chaired by 2 of <br /> these members whose job it is to coordinate the 10 one month-long exhibitions staged at the <br /> Horace Williams House. These exhibitions are the result of an application process and <br /> selection by the Program's 10 member committee. These exhibitions are diverse and in <br /> 2016/2017 include photography, painting, book art, ceramics and installations by emerging <br /> and established artists including UNC-CH Professor Jina Valentine, whose August 2016 <br /> installation explores media coverage of black males killed by gun violence. Each show is <br /> curated by a Committee member who works with their particular selected artist on exhibition <br /> details and publicity, from making studio visits all the way through to helping out at the <br /> artist's reception. Because of the historic nature of the art venue, Preservation Chapel Hill <br /> employs a professional exhibition installer who hangs each show carefully with lines from a <br />