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DocuSign Envelope ID:8F6AD7AB-CE9D-40C4-B5FA-6FCBA99F62F3 <br /> officials to engage in similar lobbying activity), or with any Government official or employee in <br /> connection with a decision to sign or veto enrolled legislation; <br /> (4) Any attempt to influence: (i) The introduction of Federal or State legislation; or(ii)the enactment or <br /> modification of any pendi Federal or State legislation by preparing, distributing or using publicity <br /> or propaganda, or by u i members of the general public or any segment thereof to contribute to <br /> or participate in any mass demonstration, march, rally, fundraising drive, lobbying campaign or <br /> letter writing or telephone ; or <br /> (5) Legislative liaison activities, including attendance at legislative sessions or committee hearings, <br /> gathering information regarding legislation and analyzing the effect of legislation, when such <br /> activities are carried on in support of or in knowing preparation for an effort to engage in <br /> unallowable lobbying. <br /> The following activities as enumerated in Paragraph B are excepted from the coverag of Paragraph A: <br /> Paragraph ru�rup B. <br /> (1) Providing a technica and factua presentation of information on a topic directly related to the <br /> performance of a grant contract or other agreement through hearing testimony, statements or letter <br /> to the Congress or a State legislature, or subdivision, member, or cognizant staff member thereof, in <br /> response to a documented request(including a Congressional Record notice requesting testimony or <br /> statements for the record at a regularly scheduled hearing) made by the recipient member, legislative <br /> body or subdivision, or a cognizant staff member thereof; provided such information is readily <br /> obtainable and can be readily put in deliverable form; and further provided that costs under this <br /> section for travel, lodging or meals are unallowable unless incurred to offer testimony at a regularly <br /> scheduled Congressional hearing pursuant to a written request for such presentation made by the <br /> Chairman or Ranking Minority Member of the Committee or Subcommittee conducting such <br /> hearing. <br /> (2) Any lobbying made unallowable by subparagraph A(3)to influence State legislation in order to <br /> directly reduce the cost, orto avoid material impairment of the organization's authority to perform <br /> the grant, contract, or other agreement. <br /> (3) Any activity specifically authorized by statute to be undertaken with funds from the grant, contract, <br /> or other agreement. <br /> Paragraph C. <br /> (l) When an organization seeks reimbursement for indirect costs,total lobbying costs shall be <br /> separately identified in the indirect cost rate proposal, and thereafter treated as other unallowable <br /> activity costs in accordance with the procedures of subparagraph B.(3). <br /> (2) Organizations shall submit, as part of the annual indirect cost rate proposal, a certification that the <br /> requirements and standards of this paragraph have been complied with. <br /> (3) Organizations shall maintain adequate records to demonstrate that the determination of costs as <br /> being allowable or unallowable pursuant to this section complies with the requirements of this <br /> Circular. <br /> (4) Time logs, calendar , or similar records shall not be required to be created for purposes of <br /> complying with this paragraph during any particular calendar month w en: (l){bccmployee <br /> engages in lobbying(as defined in subparagraphs(a) and (b))25 percent or less of the employee's <br /> compensated hours of employment during that calendar month, and(2)within the preceding five- <br /> year period, the organization has not materially misstated allowable or unallowable costs of any <br /> nature, including legislative lobbying costs. When conditions(I)and (2)are met, organizations are <br /> not required to establish records to support the allowability of claimed costs in addition to records <br /> already required or maintained. Also, when conditions (1)and(2)are met, the absence of time logs, <br /> calendars, or similar records will not serve as a basis for disallowing costs by contesting estimates of <br /> lobbying time spent by employees during a calendar month. <br /> Federal Certification Lobbying(07/08) Page 2 of 3 <br />