2016-398-E DEAPR - McQueen Construction, Inc. - Fairview parking expansion - 6-21-2016, Item 5-i
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2016-398-E DEAPR - McQueen Construction, Inc. - Fairview parking expansion - 6-21-2016, Item 5-i
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Last modified
8/15/2016 9:39:36 AM
Creation date
7/26/2016 11:11:58 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
Document Type
Agenda Item
Manager signed
Document Relationships
2017-085-E DEAPR - McQueen Construction, Inc. - Change Order to Contract for Fairview parking expansion project for cost reduction
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2010's\2017
Agenda - 06-21-2016 - 5-i - Authorization to Award the Bid and Contract for Construction of the Fairview Park Parking Expansion Project
(Linked To)
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2016\Agenda - 06-21-2016 - Regular Mtg.
R 2016-398-E DEAPR - McQueen Construction, Inc. for Fairview parking expansion - 6-21-2016, Item 5-i
(Linked To)
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\Contract Routing Sheets\Routing Sheets\2016
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DocuSign Envelope ID:2E5A8509-E4CD-4A45-9241-C69B05F6A27D <br /> 5 <br /> the Contractor within the time specified, the Owner will execute and deliver the Agreement to <br /> him. <br /> 1.25 Notice to Proceed - See paragraph 13.3. <br /> 1.26 Owner-The Owner is the person designated as such in the Agreement. <br /> 1.27 Owner's Authorized Representative -A person, or persons, employed by the Owner and <br /> designated from time to time by written notice to the Contractor to administer the Contract <br /> Documents, and to observe and monitor the Work on behalf of the Owner with authority and <br /> responsibility as herein specified. <br /> 1.28 Notice - The term "notice" or"written notice" as used herein shall mean and include all <br /> written notices, demands, instructions, and claims approvals and disapprovals furnished by the <br /> Owner or the Designer to obtain compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, <br /> as well as all written notices, demands, instructions and claims furnished by the Contractor as <br /> required by the Contract Documents. Where notice is required under the terms of the Contract <br /> Documents written notice shall always be required, and oral or "constructive" notice shall be <br /> insufficient and ineffective as notice. Email or other electronic delivery shall be insufficient and <br /> ineffective as notice unless specifically allowed by the Supplementary Conditions or a <br /> Modification to the Agreement. Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served on the <br /> date that it is delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm, to an officer of the <br /> corporation for whom it is intended, to an authorized representative of such individual, firm, or <br /> corporation, or on the date that it is mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt <br /> requested, addressed to the last business address of such individual, firm, or corporation known <br /> to the person giving the notice. Written notice may also be given by facsimile transmission, <br /> provided that proof of delivery is obtained. In the case of delivery in person, such delivery shall <br /> not be effective unless and until a written and signed receipt showing the date and time of <br /> delivery is obtained. <br /> 1.29 Project - The total construction of which the Work performed under the Contract <br /> Documents may be the whole or a part. <br /> 1.30 Project Expediter—As used herein, is an entity stated in the Contract Documents, <br /> designated to effectively facilitate scheduling and coordination of Work activities. For the <br /> purpose of a single prime contract, the single prime contractor is designated as the Project <br /> Expediter. For the purpose of a project involving separate prime contracts, the Contractor <br /> for general work shall be designated as the Project Expediter unless otherwise indicated in <br /> the Supplementary General Conditions. See paragraph 7.27. <br /> 1.31 Project Manager-That person designated by the Contractor in accordance with paragraph <br /> 7.2 who shall be in general charge of the Work and its performance and who shall have the <br /> authority set forth in the last sentence of paragraph 7.2. <br /> 1.32 Request for Information -A written communication from the Contractor to the Designer for <br /> any interpretation of, or information needed, required, or desired under the Contract Documents. <br /> The Owner reserves the right to determine the reasonable format and contents required for a <br /> Request for Information. In any Request for Information, the Contractor shall state a reasonable <br /> date by which a response is necessary in order to avoid delay in progress on the Work and shall <br /> Revised 6116 <br />
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