Agenda - 02-12-2007-4
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-12-2007
Agenda - 02-12-2007-4
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8/28/2008 11:19:19 AM
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Minutes - 20070212
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In summary, the plan examines the corridor in light of the proposed project and the Town's <br />adopted Greenways Master Plan (2006), which includes connections to other nearby <br />neighborhoods north and south of Bolin Creek. The corridor that is examined is 1.9 miles in <br />length, and the concept plan provides specific recommendations for "routing and construction of <br />a 10-foot wide multi-use path designed to accommodate recreational and non-motorized modes <br />of transportation". <br />The Concept Plan addresses connectivity as a shared bikeway and pedestrian facility that is a <br />key internal segment of a planned 9-mile long trail that will ultimately connect Millhouse Road in <br />northwest Chapel Hill with Pinehurst Road near Meadowmont in southeast Chapel Hill. The. <br />potential corridor is shaped by both design criteria and environmental impacts -including the <br />significant issue of how to traverse Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard. The plan also addresses <br />construction issues (navigating steep terrain on creek banks), the corridor's landscape, and <br />potential trail amenities. <br />There are 8 project goals that guide the master plan: <br />^ Design a trail that avoids at-grade road crossings wherever possible, <br />o Design a trail that would result in no-rise in regulatory flood flows in Bolin Creek, <br />^ Maintain a 10-foot width of trail with a maximum 5% slope to the greatest extent possible, <br />^ Avoid the need to acquire easements on private property to the greatest extent possible, <br />^ Avoid disturbance to Bolin Creek, Tanyard Branch and other tributaries to the greatest <br />extent possible, <br />^ Avoid the loss of large trees to the greatest extent possible, <br />^ Avoid the need to relocate existing infrastructure improvements (bridges, water and <br />sewer lines), and <br />^ Minimize the impact of the trail on adjacent residents. <br />The Concept Plan examines the proposed extension by segment, and includes design options <br />and projected cost estimates. <br />Once comments have been received from the Board, the Town Council will take up the. concept <br />plan, probably in March. Suggestions or questions identified by County staff to date include: <br />^ Have there been Town Council discussions to date regarding the funding for future work <br />and construction? <br />^ Addition of mention in the plan of funding provided by Orange County for the project, <br />^ Notation of the regional context of the greenway (the connection north via Millhouse <br />Road could tie into County parks and open space and the proposed New Hope Rustic <br />Woodland Trail), and . <br />o The need for a map series corresponding to the segments used for cost estimates. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: On September 9, 2004, at request of the Town, the County agreed to <br />use the $1.0 million in 2001 County bonds for Chapel Hill greenways toward this project. <br />$75,000 was allocated toward the concept plan design at that time. This has been matched by <br />$100,000 from the Town's 2003 Parks Bond. <br />Cost estimates for construction of the greenway from Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard to Estes <br />Drive Extension and beyond have been prepared by the design consultant, and broken into <br />segments. Two of the proposed segments are spurs of the main greenway. There are several <br />options associated with each segment, with a recommended option and cost estimate. The <br />
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