2016-394-E DEAPR - R. S. Jones & Associates, Inc. - land survey services, recordable plat, Pope Farm Conservation Easement
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
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2016-394-E DEAPR - R. S. Jones & Associates, Inc. - land survey services, recordable plat, Pope Farm Conservation Easement
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Last modified
8/9/2016 9:15:44 AM
Creation date
7/25/2016 4:53:49 PM
Meeting Type
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R 2016-394-E DEAPR - R. S. Jones & Associates, Inc. for land survey services to produce recordable plat for the Pope Farm Conservation Easement
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DocuSign Envelope ID:0C943255-48A0-4AF2-858E-714AEE815BFE <br /> 2 <br /> be in accordance with a Conservation Plan prepared for this farm by the Orange Soil & <br /> Water Conservation District. <br /> A conservation easement would enhance the protection of this historic farm, which is listed <br /> on the National Register of Historic Places. According to the National Register, the Pope <br /> Farm is one of the best-preserved rural complexes in northern Orange County, exemplifying <br /> a mid-sized tobacco farm of the type that prospered from the late 19th century until the <br /> 1960s. The complex includes a two-story farmhouse (built 1870-74) and 20 historic <br /> outbuildings. The farm was designated a Local Historic Landmark by Orange County in <br /> 2012, and is also recognized as a Century Farm by the NC Department of Agriculture and <br /> Consumer Services. Finally, the farm is also enrolled in the County's Enhanced Voluntary <br /> Agricultural District (EVAD) program. <br /> The planned agricultural conservation easement would be held jointly by Orange County and <br /> the Eno River Association. The easement would complement the technical assistance from <br /> the Orange Soil and Water Conservation District and will also protect stream buffers with <br /> separate funding from the Upper Neuse Clean Water Initiative (City of Raleigh). <br /> The planned agricultural conservation easement area is depicted on the attached site map. <br /> A draft deed of conservation easement is also provided. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: The value of the conservation easement is $185,000, which was <br /> determined by an appraisal by Kirkland and Associates. DEAPR has worked with the Eno <br /> River Association to identify the following funding sources: <br /> Orange County (Lands Legacy) $ 87,000 (47%) <br /> NC Agricultural Dev. & Farmland Preservation Trust Fund 52,000 (28%) <br /> Landowner donation 46.000 (25%) <br /> $ 185,000 <br /> The purchase price for the conservation easement is $139,000, which is 75 percent of the <br /> appraised value ($185,000) as determined by an appraisal by Kirkland and Associates. The <br /> landowners will donate 25 percent of the easement value ($46,000), meaning they will forgo <br /> that amount and, instead, will be eligible for federal income tax benefits. <br /> Funds for the easement purchase would come from Orange County ($87,000 purchase price <br /> plus $10,000 for boundary survey and closing costs), the NC Agricultural Development and <br /> Farmland Preservation Trust Fund ($52,000), and the Eno River Association (in-kind match). <br /> The County's share of funds ($97,000) would come from existing funds budgeted and <br /> approved for the Lands Legacy program (Land Legacy Fund). <br /> The subject property is enrolled in the Present Use Value taxation program, so the <br /> conservation easement would not lessen the amount of property taxes paid to the County. <br /> The decrease in the property's market value caused by the conservation easement (and <br /> extinguishing of portion of its development rights) would not lower the property value to a <br /> level that is less than the current present use value ($61,047). <br />
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