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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: February 6, 2007 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. 5 - -F <br />SUBJECT: Classification Plan Amendment - Title Change for Emergency Management <br />Director. <br />DEPARTMENT: EMS and Personnel PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Tyrone Jackson, Human Resources <br />Director, 245-2550 <br />PURPOSE: To consider amending the Orange County Classification and Pay Plan by changing <br />the title of the existing class for the vacant position of Emergency Management Director at <br />Salary Grade 31 to Emergency Services Director, still at Salary Grade 31. <br />BACKGROUND: The County Manager requests that the class title of Emergency Management <br />Director at Salary Grade 31 be changed to Emergency Services Director, still at Salary Grade <br />31. The Emergency Management Department encompasses the following services: emergency <br />management, emergency medical, Fire Marshal's office and the 9-1-1 Communications Center. <br />The use of the title "Emergency Management" may give the impression that the Director is only <br />focused on emergency management functions while the proposed class title of Emergency <br />"Services" Director provides a more accurate representation of multiple oversight functions <br />within the Department. <br />Personnel surveyed 12 counties to inquire about the class titles used for comparable Directors <br />in their agencies. Out of the 12 counties contacted, nine counties are using the word "Services" <br />as a part of their Director's title; two counties are contracting their emergency <br />management/medical functions out to other agencies, and one county is using a different title. <br />Personnel concurs with the County Manager that the class title of Emergency Management <br />Director be changed to Emergency Services Director. <br />An assessment will be conducted on the current structure of the department; which may result in <br />proposing that the name of the EMS department be changed. The County Manager and <br />Personnel will return in the near future with a proposal for Board review and consideration. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: None