Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: E9612703-F25B-492D-9C8C-EC3F9728ECE6 <br /> The balancing agency shall cooperate with the controls sub-contractor,and shall certify the following <br /> in writing to the Engineer via the Mechanical Contractor prior to requesting final inspection: <br /> (1)Certify that all system components are installed in accordance with the plans and specifications <br /> and are functional in accordance with the specified control sequence, including all electrical <br /> interlocks, damper sequences, air and water reset controls,fire and freeze stats,and all other safety <br /> and operating controls; <br /> (2) Certify that all control instruments are calibrated and set for design operating conditions; and <br /> (3) Verify the accuracy of the final settings and operation of control sequence in automatic <br /> operation by recording space temperature in a typical conditioned space for each separately <br /> controlled zone for a minimum of 48 hours of system automatic operation, and transmit chart <br /> recordings to the Engineer within 24 hours of completion. <br /> Energy Balance and Performance Test: Measure the inlet and outlet temperatures and flow rates of <br /> each fluid on each chiller, boiler, and air handler coil, and deterinine the BTU input and output. <br /> Measure volts and amps and determine KW input as applicable. <br /> Prior to Owner's occupancy of the project,train the Owner's authorized personnel on how to operate, <br /> start-up,shut-down,and service the various parts of the system,and furnish Engineer a letter stating <br /> this has been done to Owner's satisfaction and listing names of Owner's personnel so instructed. <br /> The settings of dampers,splitters,valves,pulleys and other volume adjusting devices and flow meter <br /> readings shall be permanently marked after completion of balancing and adjusting,so that they can <br /> be restored if disturbed at any time. The balancing agency shall verify that all switches, starters, <br /> control devices, relays, night and day thermostats, overcall switches, and other equipment are <br /> identified as specified with approved nameplates, and all setpoints marked. The balancing agency <br /> shall verify that the locations of all dampers,valves,etc.,located above lay-in ceilings are accurately <br /> marked by color-coded marker dots on the ceiling grid as specified. <br /> The Controls sub-contractor shall include a warranty of one year,after acceptance of system,during <br /> which time the Engineer at his discretion may request a re-check,program revisions,re-setting of any <br /> loops sequence,fine tuning, optimizing, etc., or reconfiguration. The controls sub-contractor shall <br /> provide technicians and equipment necessary to assist the Engineer in making any tests, or <br /> adjustments he may require during this period of time without additional cost. <br /> The balancing agency shall include a warranty of one year,after acceptance of test and balance work, <br /> during which time the Engineer at his discretion may request a re-check,or re-setting of any outlet, <br /> fan, pump, etc., as listed in the Test-and-Balance report. The balancing agency shall provide <br /> technicians and equipment necessary to assist the Engineer in making any tests or adjustments he <br /> may require during this period of time. <br /> The balancing agency shall perform a follow-up inspection of the HVAC system during the opposite <br /> season from that in which the initial adjustments were made,make any necessary modifications to <br /> 15H-33 <br />