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<br /> Consultant(s). Client will provide timely approval of
<br /> MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT timesheets weekly.
<br /> IT IS HEREBY AGREED by and between The 2.2 For contract consulting, Provider's hourly bill rates will
<br /> Intersect Group LLC, a Georgia limited liability corporation, be provided at the time of candidate submission and will be
<br /> and its affiliates, (collectively "Provider" or "TIG"), and finalized prior to the employee's start in a client
<br /> Orange County ("Client"), a local political subdivision of the engagement letter entitled Statement of Work(Exhibit A). If
<br /> State of North Carolina, effective the date indicated herein a portion of any invoice is disputed, the undisputed portion
<br /> below: shall be timely paid.
<br /> WHEREAS, Provider is engaged in the business 2.3 Client agrees to pay all invoices net upon receipt of
<br /> of providing consultants ("Assigned Consultants") to invoice and as outlined in 2.5a for direct hire engagements,
<br /> perform services for clients, identifying candidates for full- and to pay late charges on any unpaid balances after 30
<br /> time hire and providing related services;and days from the due date at the rate of 1.0 % per month.
<br /> Payments should be mailed to our remittance address:
<br /> WHEREAS, Client desires to engage Provider to The Intersect Group, P.O. Box 116630, Atlanta, GA 30368
<br /> provide such services; —Attention: Accounts Receivable. If client's account, after
<br /> default, is referred to an attorney or collection agency for
<br /> NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the collection, Client shall pay all of TIG's expenses incurred in
<br /> promises, and of the mutual covenants hereinafter set such collection efforts including, but not limited to, court
<br /> forth, and intending to be legally bound hereby, the parties costs and reasonable attorneys'fees.
<br /> hereto agree as follows:
<br /> 2.4 If Client directly hires or engages any Assigned
<br /> Article 1 Duties of Provider Consultant who is working on a contract basis prior to such
<br /> Assigned Consultant having worked 1040 hours at Client,
<br /> 1.1 Provider shall provide to Client the services of Client shall pay to Provider an amount as liquidated
<br /> "Assigned Consultants" as requested by Client. Provider damages equal to what Client would have paid Provider
<br /> shall manage the provision of services to Client in had such Assigned Consultant continued working at Client
<br /> accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. through Provider for the full 1040 hours at Provider's then
<br /> current rates, such payment not being a penalty but rather
<br /> 1.2. Provider assumes all responsibility for paying, a reasonable estimate of the damages likely to be incurred
<br /> withholding, and transmitting payroll taxes; making by Provider in the event of such a hiring.
<br /> unemployment contributions; and handling unemployment
<br /> and workers' compensation claims involving Assigned 2.5a For direct hire engagements, Client shall pay to
<br /> Consultants who are employees of the Provider with Provider a placement fee of 20%, or as detailed on Exhibit
<br /> respect to compensation that Provider has agreed to pay B, of the agreed upon annualized first year salary for the
<br /> such employees. identification and successful hire of full-time employees.
<br /> Provider will invoice Client upon candidate's hire date of
<br /> 1.3 Assigned Consultants shall not be entitled to holidays, employment with Client. Payment is due within 10 days of
<br /> vacations, disability, insurance, pensions or retirement the direct hire's start date in order for any guarantees, as
<br /> plans, or any other benefits offered or provided by Client to detailed in 2.5b to be effective. For direct hire placements
<br /> its direct employees. Candidate shall be deemed an employee of Client and at
<br /> no time shall Candidate be deemed an Employee of TIG.
<br /> 1.3 Provider assumes responsibility for paying Assigned Client acknowledges and agrees to pay for payment of any
<br /> Consultants who are independent contractors as necessary and all employment related taxes and any other costs,
<br /> and ensuring that such contractors have valid insurance, expenses and risks normally associated with that of an
<br /> tax identification and other information required of an employer.
<br /> independent business.
<br /> 2.5b. If a direct hire candidate's employment with Client
<br /> 1.4 Provider shall recruit, interview and ensure compliance terminates for any of the following reasons, the direct hire
<br /> with legally required pre-employment obligations for all fee paid by Client shall not be credited to Client: Client's
<br /> Assigned Consultants to be assigned to Client's facilities as reorganization, elimination of position, takeover, or material
<br /> required. Provider shall conduct such other screening change in job responsibility or compensation level of the
<br /> and checks as requested in writing from Client. direct hire candidate. If a direct hire candidate's
<br /> employment with Client terminates for any reason other
<br /> Article 2. Duties of Client than those listed immediately above and the termination
<br /> occurs within the applicable periods stated below, TIG shall
<br /> 2.1 For contract consulting, Provider will invoice Client for credit the fee paid (provided, that Client timely paid the fee
<br /> services provided in accordance with this Agreement on a in full) as follows. If the Candidate's employment with
<br /> weekly basis. Payment shall be due upon receipt of the Client is terminated for any reason other than those listed
<br /> invoice. Invoices shall be accompanied by the pertinent immediately above within thirty (30) calendar days of
<br /> timesheets, only if requested by Client. Client's signature Candidate's first day of employment with Client, TIG will
<br /> on Provider's timesheets or electronic approval certifies provide a 100% credit of the fee amount by replacing the
<br /> that the hours shown are correct and that the work was candidate at no additional charge. If Candidate's
<br /> performed to Client's satisfaction and authorizes Provider employment with Client is terminated for any reason other
<br /> to bill Client for the hours worked by the named Assigned
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