Orange County NC Website
If <br />The Commission shall nzalce <br />[,particular l,rize denomination that , <br />lllilln tl; ?ese prizes at the time that 1 <br />gg The Commission shall, _ in <br />,]op and provide infoimation to the 1 <br />8C-131. Sales and sale price of tic <br />a The Commission maw sell i <br />filers to sell tickets and shares, or dl <br />zmission. <br />No ticket or share in a lottc <br />blished by the Commission. <br />The minimum retail price of <br />imum retail price shall not a12p_lx t <br />for future codification purposes. <br />"Article 4. <br />^-rT A++41n7 <br />ection shall be unry oz a s,iubs , j1j,buviliV?a1AvL <br />e? T+ elmll hP a pfP„Ge for the Verson who sold a. ticket or share in violation of subsection (d) of'thls