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DocuSign Envelope ID: 137AC14B-6250-4081-9084-0BF0B086A047 <br /> Ms. Laurie Paolicelli <br /> June 3, 2016 <br /> Page 8 of 13 <br /> • hotel requirements; <br /> • parking requirements; and, <br /> • seasonality data. <br /> We will identify the event markets that represent the primary sources of demand for a potential new <br /> visitor-oriented event facility. We will then assess the potential penetration of these markets to <br /> estimate event levels, attendance levels and other primary characteristics by type of event/activity. <br /> These estimates will form the basis on which we will evaluate various development options for the <br /> new visitor-oriented event facility, their ability to accommodate demand and fill areas of need in the <br /> market, as well as the potential financial and economic impact parameters of facility operations. <br /> Task 4. Potential Cost Analysis <br /> The purpose of this task is to synthesize findings of the previous tasks to identify and estimate upfront <br /> and ongoing costs associated with potential convention center/public assembly facility or other visitor- <br /> oriented development options. <br /> Based on the program information, local cost characteristics and other relevant features, we will <br /> provide preliminary cost and construction time table estimates for the outlined visitor-oriented event <br /> facility development scenarios. The cost estimates will focus on per-unit data adjusted for conditions <br /> in the Orange County area and cost data of comparable facilities modified for time and locations. The <br /> estimates will focus on the building programs and development scenarios developed in previous study <br /> tasks. These estimates will be useful for framing an overall discussion on project cost if the project <br /> gathers support for an implementation phase. <br /> Additionally, we will analyze the financial operating and other cost characteristics of the potential new <br /> Orange County visitor-oriented event facility. Based on the results of the market demand, market <br /> supportable development analysis and event levels research and analysis, we will prepare a financial <br /> operating analysis for the potential new visitor-oriented event facility. We will present financial <br /> operation projections for the scenarios previously identified as being market supportable. Specifically, <br /> we will develop a computer-based model incorporating comparable facility data and the estimated <br /> levels of event utilization and attendance derived from the market analysis in order to develop <br /> estimates with regard to facility operating revenues and expenses. <br /> Revenues including rental, food service, event service, parking, advertising and sponsorship revenues, <br /> and other such sources will be estimated. Expenses including salaries (permanent and event driven <br /> staff costs), utilities, maintenance, supplies, insurance, contract service costs and others will be <br /> estimated. Further, we will work with you to develop other non-operating revenue and expense <br /> assumptions in order to provide initial estimations of overall costs associated with the project(s). <br /> We will present estimates of financial performance for visitor-oriented event facility operations for ten <br /> years. The comparison of revenues and expenses will enable you to evaluate the level of facility- <br /> supportable revenues or public subsidies that may be required for annual facility operations. <br /> Task 5. Evaluation of Ownership I Management Options <br /> The purpose of this task is to evaluate options for the ownership of the potential visitor-oriented event <br /> facility and to suggest appropriate key operating policies to ensure any facility developed serves as an <br /> economic development tool for the County and surrounding community. In many communities, a <br /> partnership with existing or planned lodging facility ownership is created to secure the necessary <br /> facilities. This creates important efficiencies; however, the importance to structure a development, <br />