2016-323-E Arts - Jeannette Brossart - Spring 2016 Grant Agreement
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2016-323-E Arts - Jeannette Brossart - Spring 2016 Grant Agreement
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6/28/2016 4:24:08 PM
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R 2016-323-E Arts - Jeannette Brossart - Spring 2016 Arts Grant Award
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 3F12CD86-8239-4E1E-BCE6-2327E57AF832 OVYt;AAAr <br /> have reaped the benefits of the experiences with community connections, and enhanced skills. <br /> My request is specifically for this immediate limited event, and it may prove to be a once in a <br /> lifetime opportunity. Learning and sharing at this National/International level is imperative to <br /> my career as a teaching artist, as there is not a "college degree" or other traditional <br /> professional development in this field. Many of the noted speakers are the recognized <br /> leaders/experts in this field. <br /> Community Impact: <br /> I am proposing to prepare a free public presentation of my "Teaching Artist Laboratory: Two <br /> Weeks at Lincoln Center", for The Artist's Salon, August 2016. I will be documenting my <br /> experience with a powerpoint type presentation with photography, handouts, and perhaps <br /> short video clips. I have already confirmed with the Lincoln Center that this is appropriate, and <br /> they will help guide me as not to infringe on any copyrighted material. The Artist's Forum <br /> presentation will be free and open to the public, but most specifically aligned with our local <br /> teaching artist, and artist community. Again,there is a need for information in this career arena <br /> due to a lack of formal/traditional instruction in this field. It is one thing to be a great artist, it is <br /> entirely another thing to be able to facilitate others in creative explorations, and tie a specific <br /> art medium to current school curriculum goals. Classroom management, <br /> planning/organizational skills, business knowledge, community partnerships, funding <br /> awareness, accessibility and inclusion issues are all crucial aspects to this type of work. In <br /> addition,the community impact through my personal future work as a teaching artist in our <br /> area is immeasurable. I have conducted mosaic residencies and workshops with many schools, <br /> museums, hospitals, and community groups in our area, and plan to continue to improve my <br /> offerings and skills through these types of creative works. Attending this prestigious event <br /> would undoubtedly improve and increase my personal skillset and thus be passed on through <br /> the local programming that I conduct in the future. <br /> Artist Experience: <br /> I have been a professional mosaic artist since 2003. I started teaching my art around 2006, <br /> however, I became proficient in experience and knowledge in 2009 when selected by the Town <br /> of Chapel Hill's Artist @Work program. My first large residency was at Ephesus Road <br /> Elementary School, with the entire third grade class, in the creation of a totem sculpture with <br /> applied mosaics for their 100th anniversary. That incredible experience encouraged me to apply <br /> for the Durham Arts Council CAPS program, and I was immediately contracted for projects at all <br /> nine Elementary Schools in Granville County in my first year. That was also an amazing chance <br /> for me to grow and learn as a teaching artist, perfecting my techniques, learning from mistakes, <br /> and marveling at the amazing creativity of the student participants. Also around that time, I <br /> collaborated with Kidzu Children's Museum to design and implement a mosaic workshop series <br />
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