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ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: January 23, 2007 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. 9- e. -'j <br />. SUBJECT: Hollow Rock Park Planning Committee <br />DEPARTMENT: Board of Commissioners PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): Under Separate Cover <br />Membership Roster <br />Interest List <br />Application(s)/Resume(s) of Person(s) on the <br />Interest List <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Clerk's Office, 245-2130 <br />PURPOSE: To consider making appointments to the Hollow Rock Park Planning Committee. <br />BACKGROUND: Orange County, Chapel Hill, Durham County, and the City of Durham have jointly <br />established a Park Planning Advisory Committee for the Hollow Rock Property and surrounding area., <br />The purpose of the Committee is to develop recommendations for an overall plan for the Property and <br />adjoining properties that comprise the Hollow Rock/ Erwin Area portion of the New Hope Plan. The plan <br />should include overall recommended uses and generalized locations for the proposed uses. The <br />recommendations of the Committee will be presented to the. public and approved by the participating <br />governing bodies. <br />Membership. The Committee shall consist of eleven (11) members appointed as follows: <br />1. Four (4) members shall be appointed by the Durham County Board of Commissioners. <br />2. Four (4) members shall be appointed by the Orange County Board of Commissioners. <br />3. Two (2) members shall be appointed by the Chapel Hill Town Council. <br />4. One (1) member shall be appointed by the City of Durham. <br />Charge. <br />The Committee will have the following responsibilities: <br />1. To develop recommendations of uses to be allowed within different areas of the <br />Hollow Rock Access area. <br />2. To develop recommendations of facilities to be available within different areas of the <br />Hollow Rock Access area and proposed locations for said facilities. <br />3. To provide suggestions on priority phasing for recommended facilities. . <br />4. To hold public input meetings on the recommended uses and facilities.