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2 <br />At its meeting on December 12, in taking action on the Task Force agenda item, the BOCC <br />agreed minutes from the public hearing on "Proposed County and School Capital Projects and <br />Related Debt Issuance Plans" (during which there was public comment regarding the proposed <br />Heritage Center and Carrboro Library) would be included as background materials to the Task <br />Force. The BOCC also heard comments and concerns from members of the public referencing <br />an earlier Carrboro Library Workgroup Report (2004). A copy of that Final Report is attached <br />(Attachment 3). The Chair indicated that its expectations for what the Task Force would <br />accomplish would be identified within its charge. <br />As additional background, and in response to questions from the BOCC about progress since <br />the 2004 Task Force Report, a status report on recommendations is attached (Attachment 4) <br />APPOINTMENTS <br />Since the BOCC meeting on December 12, the Clerk's Office has contacted the Task Force <br />2004 membership according to the appropriate representation categories, and has initiated <br />advertisement for at-large appointments (2 were included in 2004), pending BOCC designation <br />of a charge. The result of the Clerk's Office query, along with the attendance record provided by <br />the Library staff, is attached. (Attachment 5) <br />PROPOSED CHARGE <br />The County Manager has consulted with the Library Director and staff, and proposes that the <br />BOCC adopt the following charge to guide the work of the Task Force. <br />• Review the report and recommendations of the Carrboro Library Workgroup (April 20, <br />2004) <br />• Review the report and overall recommendations to the BOCC of the Library Services <br />Task Force. <br />• Review the report and recommendations of the Library Services Task Force as they <br />relate specifically to a "southwest regional branch library combining the collections, staff, <br />and services presently located at McDougle Middle School and the Century Center <br />Cybrary". (October 19, 2004) <br />• Prepare and present to the BOCC a report which addresses, in conjunction with Orange <br />County management, the following concerns and considerations expressed by elected <br />and community leaders: Recommended Facility Size, Time Horizon for Facility <br />Construction, Funding Facility Construction. <br />• Report its recommendations to the BOCC in context of capital investment program <br />planning for FY 2007-08 and future years. <br />• Background materials for the Task Force should include, but not be limited to, the Final <br />Reports from 2004 as well as the BOCC minutes from its discussion of both Task Force <br />Reports and its public hearing on Proposed County and School Capital Projects and <br />Related Debt Issuance Plans held on December 12, 2006.