Orange County NC Website
Orange County Library Long-Range Facility Planning <br />Chart #1: Orange County Library Resources Comepared to State Averages and Standards <br />2002-2003 <br />Resources Orange County Chapel Hill NC <br /> Central Libra Public Libra Avers elGuidelines <br />Estimated Population 71,225 50,540 8,323,375 <br />(est.2002 total NC population <br />Books per capita 1.01 2.75 1.88 <br /> Basic Standard = 2 <br />Reader seats/1,000 .88 1.8 Not Available <br />population Prof: Standard = 3-5 <br />Full-time equivalent .27 1.22 1 <br />staff/2,000 population <br />Square foots a/ca ita .18 .54 Standard = .65 <br />Registered 19.8% 50% 50% <br />borrowers/% of <br />population <br />Circulation per capita 2.02 15.55 5.38 <br />Library income per $10.12* $38.40 $18..88 <br />capita <br />Local Government $8.16* $33.03 (Town & $15.55 <br />revenues per capita County) <br />*Includes funds to support the Carrboro and Cedar Grove Libraries <br />Despite a number of very positive attributes of the Orange County Library - the quality, <br />creativity and initiative of library staff, its programs and outreach efforts, and its local history <br />collection, among others -- facility space, staffing levels and collection size are significantly <br />below average and do not come close to meeting professional standards. <br />Steps have been taken in the last several years to extend services beyond the central library, <br />including opening the Carrboro Library, the recent opening of the Carrboro Cybrary, and the <br />opening of the Cedar Grove Library. The library administration has made a concerted effort <br />to find creative and collaborative ways to offer library services and utilize existing space„ <br />These steps have helped to bring the system a bit closer to the North Carolina average both in <br />resources available and in per capita use, but the system still lags significantly behind the <br />norm. Still using the estimated population in 2002 as a basis (i.e. not adjusting for population <br />increase since then): <br />• Space per capita has risen to .31 square feet <br />• Books per capita has risen to 1.2 <br />• Reader seats per capita has risen to 2.97 (the Carrboro Branch has 120 reader seats <br />compared to 63 at the central library) <br />• Library card registration as a percentage of population has risen to 30.6% (current <br />year figures) <br />• Total library income per capita for 2004-2005 has risen to $12.02 <br />• Local revenues (Orange County and Carrboro)Ias risen to $11.04 per capita <br />? The population is grafving at a high rate, with significant growth in the number of <br />older residents and residents moving here from other countries. The central library has <br />l0