Orange County NC Website
. ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: January 23, 2007 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. 9 - <br />SUBJECT: Library Services Task Force - Charge and Appointments <br />DEPARTMENT: Library and Manager's Office PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />1. Library Consultant's Report <br />2. Task Force Final Report (2004) <br />3. Carrboro Library Workgroup Final <br />Report (2004) <br />4. Library Update - Task Force 2004 <br />5. Clerk's Office - Applicant Information <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Brenda Stephens, 919-245-2528 <br />Gwen Harvey, 919-245-2307 <br />Donna Baker, 245-2130 <br />PURPOSE: To establish the charge and formalize appointments to the Library Services Task <br />Force as follow up to the BOCC discussion from its meeting on December 12, 2007. <br />BACKGROUND: In January 2004, the BOCC re-convened a Library Services Task Force and <br />charged it with reviewing its original work from November 2001 and making recommendations <br />on improving library services / facilities - especially as they related to the Central Library in <br />Hillsborough and the branch library in Carrboro - by the fall of 2004. <br />The Task Force conducted a total of twelve meetings extending from May through October. In <br />July 2004, consultant Dale Gaddis, retired Durham County Public Librarian, was retained to <br />conduct a needs assessment of Orange County Library facilities. Her report, issued in <br />September 2004, provided background material for review and recommendations by the Task <br />Force. A copy of the consultant's report is included (Attachment 1). <br />The 2004 Task Force Final Report (Attachment 2) addressed the following major areas, among <br />other opportunities: Construction of a new Central Library; Consolidation of the Cybrary and <br />McDougle Branch Libraries in Carrboro; Establishment of an Orange County Heritage Center; <br />and Establishment of a Branch Library to serve the Efland - Cheeks Township. <br />With the authorization of the Expanded County Campus Proposal on November 2, 2006 (which <br />includes a new two-story public library building of 23,454 sq. ft.), and along with consideration of <br />establishing a Heritage Center within the space the present central library would vacate at the <br />Whitted Building, the BOCC briefly discussed on December 4th revisiting. and updating the 2004 <br />Library Services Task Force Report to incorporate new information and to address the <br />remaining elements.