Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: 555476E3-EEA5-4798-A206-693D97B8251 D <br /> /i iOr <br /> ASSOCIATES <br /> The Work Plan <br /> Sheer Associates, Inc. proposes our talents in response to Orange County's <br /> request for services. Sheer Associates specializes in marketing <br /> communications. As previously stated, the company has implemented more <br /> than 13,000 projects and campaigns in our 36 years, building awareness on <br /> behalf of government, non-profit and for-profit clients. Joel Sheer, the <br /> company President, would serve as the chief facilitator and contact for all <br /> aspects of this project. <br /> What follows is a list of our services, bios of our creative team, a list of our <br /> clients, and a preliminary action plan. <br /> Thank you again for this opportunity to submit our background information and <br /> for your consideration of entering a working relationship with our firm. If you <br /> need any additional information, please do not hesitate to ask. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> (:Z544**-717 141 <br /> Joel M. Sheer, President <br />