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OR <br />Staff more intensively review projects to avoid this occurring in the future, and consider text <br />amendments to make the language clearer. Seconded by Jeff Schmitt. <br />Renee Price-Saunders: The problem is with the two lots that aren't built. This may be a concern <br />for the BOCC. How will this change affect the size of the homes of those lots? <br />Judith Wegner: We would need to say to the BOCC that this would apply to existing or future <br />lots. <br />Jennifer Leaf. If they want to build a larger house, then they couldn't have an accessory <br />building. <br />Robert Davis: We're not modifying the impervious surface requirements. That is locked in. <br />Jay Bryan: So, this would be it for this subdivision? Would other lots be affected? <br />Robert Davis: No other lots have this problem. <br />VOTE: Aye (9)-Joel Knight, Judith Wegner, Bernadette Pelissier, Jeff Schmitt, Sandy Quinn, <br />Brian Dobyns, Craufurd Goodwin, Renee Price-Saunders, Jay Bryan. <br />Nay (1) — Michelle Kempinski. <br />Michelle Kempinski: My objection is that this subdivision was approved five years ago. Three <br />of the five lots that were requested already have homes built on the land. The lots were <br />purchased with the awareness of the setback. The request may set a precedent for other <br />approved subdivision lots where the owner would like to increase the buildable lot area. <br />AGENDA ITEM #9: DRAFT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE PROCESSES <br />Jay Bryan: Before we start on this agenda item, Allan Rosen has requested that we distribute a <br />letter from the Village Project about the process. Does the Board want to accept it tonight? <br />(No objections. Distributed.) <br />Tom Altieri: Based on the August 28 work session, we received some additional direction for <br />developing the process for the Comprehensive Plan. The BOCC asked that Staff and the <br />Planning Board Chair meet with the County Manager to determine how best to proceed, which <br />we are in the process of scheduling. There were questions raised about the timetable, staff <br />resources, the Advisory Board role, project management, and meeting facilitation. There are a lot <br />of areas that the County Administration, Planning Board Chair and Planning Staff will discuss. <br />Planning Staff is asking that the Planning Board focus on the comments received that night. The <br />goal is to have a response for BOCC consideration at their October 3 meeting. The original <br />thought was to prepare something for the September 19 meeting, but that is too soon considering <br />other deadlines. Staff feels that a special meeting of the Planning Board is needed to complete <br />this. I'd also like to ask for latitude in reviewing the comments myself and revising the draft <br />process, and making revisions before the Special meeting. These changes would be done using <br />tracked changes, so that you could see the changes made. We feel confident that we have <br />- <br />Z <br />