ORD-2016-025 Ordinance approving Budget Amendment #10-B related to the Conservation Easement for the Captain John S. Pope Farm
Board of County Commissioners
Ordinance 2010-2019
ORD-2016-025 Ordinance approving Budget Amendment #10-B related to the Conservation Easement for the Captain John S. Pope Farm
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Last modified
2/22/2017 2:37:25 PM
Creation date
6/22/2016 3:10:34 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 06-21-2016 - 5-h - Resolution of Approval – Conservation Easement for the Captain John S. Pope Farm; and Approval of Budget Amendment #10-B
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2016\Agenda - 06-21-2016 - Regular Mtg.
Minutes 06-21-2016
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13 <br /> BOCC Draft 6/10/16 <br /> exist in a manner that negatively impacts the soils or Conservation Values. Any parking associated with such <br /> events shall be located within the Farmstead Areas and/or existing farm roads as depicted in Exhibit . <br /> 3.4. Procedure to Construct Buildings and Other Improvements. The Grantor's rights to construct or reconstruct/repair <br /> buildings and other improvements are described in subparagraphs (a)through(c)below. Any construction or <br /> reconstruction not permitted below is prohibited. Before undertaking any construction or reconstruction that <br /> requires advance permission, the Grantor shall notify the Grantee and obtain written permission. All construction <br /> or reconstruction is subject to Orange County zoning regulations and must be consistent with permits required by <br /> and issued by the Orange County under applicable laws and ordinances for such construction activities under its <br /> laws and ordinances as they exist now and as they may be amended from time to time. Any building that may be <br /> constructed under this section may be repaired and replaced without the advance written permission of the Grantee. <br /> a) Fences.Existing fences may be repaired and replaced, and new fences may be built on the Protected <br /> Property for purposes of reasonable and customary management of livestock and wildlife or to fence <br /> off the perimeter of the Protected Property. <br /> b) Paving and Road Construction. Construction and maintenance of unpaved farm roads that may be <br /> reasonably necessary and incidental to carrying out the improvements and uses permitted on the <br /> Protected Property by this Easement are permitted. Such roads shall be located so as to minimize <br /> impact to prime and unique soils on the Protected Property. No portion of the Protected Property shall <br /> be paved or otherwise covered with concrete, asphalt, or any other impervious paving material,without <br /> the advance written permission of the Grantee. <br /> c) Buildings and Other Improvements within the Farmstead Area. Buildings and other structures <br /> associated with uses and activities permitted in Paragraph 2.2 may be constructed,maintained and re- <br /> constructed within the Farmstead Area. <br /> 3.5. Recreational Improvements. Grantor expressly reserves the right to engage in low impact non-developed <br /> recreational activities such as hunting, fishing,hiking,bird watching, etc. and to control access of all persons for <br /> the purpose of hunting and fishing,hiking,bird watching, etc.;provided that these activities do not impact the <br /> protection and conservation of any animal habitat or other Conservation Values of the Protected Property. <br /> 3.6. Forest and Land Management. Pursuant to a forest management plan prepared by the North Carolina Forest <br /> Service or a North Carolina Registered Forester and approved by the Grantees, trees may be removed, cut and <br /> otherwise managed. Land used for grazing,horticulture, crops and animal husbandry operations on the Protected <br /> Property shall be in a manner consistent with a Conservation Plan as required in Section 4.5. <br /> 3.7. Natural Resource Restoration and Enhancement Activities. Notwithstanding any terms contained within this <br /> Easement, Grantor may engage or contract others to engage in any activity designed to repair,restore, or otherwise <br /> enhance the natural resources found or once present on the Protected Property. <br /> ARTICLE IV. ONGOING RESPONSIBILITY OF GRANTOR AND GRANTEE <br /> This Easement is not intended to impose any legal or other responsibility on the NCDA&CS, or in any way to affect any <br /> existing obligation of the Grantor as owners of the Protected Property. <br /> 7 <br />
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