Orange County NC Website
DRAFT <br />PROPOSED ORANGE COUNTY 2007 <br />LEGISLATIVE GOALS <br />LEGISLATIVE ISSUES <br />TOP PRIORITIES <br />Medicaid Relief - Seek permanent Medicaid relief for counties to cover the full <br />cost of Medicaid expenses to be paid by state government. <br />School Construction - Support legislation to provide state assistance to local <br />governments to meet school construction needs caused by increased enrollment <br />and mandated reductions in class size through a statewide referendum on a bond <br />issue and/or through authority for counties to raise additional revenues to meet <br />school facility needs. <br />Revenue Options for Local Government - Support legislation that authorizes a variety <br />of revenue options for local governments to fund local government services. An <br />overarching principle is that any local government revenue source that is presently <br />available to one or more local governments in the state should be available to all local <br />governments uniformly throughout the state. All local governments should, on a <br />reasonable basis, have the authority to levy local option sales taxes, apply impact fees <br />and/or taxes, utilize real estate transfer fees and/or taxes, etc. <br />Orange County specifically notes its support for the ability of all local governments to <br />apply impact fees and/or taxes and to implement real estate transfer fees and/or taxes. <br />Orange County also expresses support for the authority to institute Court Facility Fees to <br />allow counties to collect additional facilities fees to help fund capital, operational and <br />other needs associated with ever-increasing judicial activities <br />Mental Health - Support Mental Health Reform and seek legislation that assures local <br />capacity to serve the needs of citizens. The state must support local government, both <br />financially and statutorily, to equip itself with adequate tools for crisis intervention and <br />appropriate housing for the mentally ill to allow their integration into local communities.