Minutes 06-02-2016
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 06-02-2016
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6/22/2016 11:34:01 AM
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6/22/2016 11:25:44 AM
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Agenda - 06-02-2016 - Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2016\Agenda - 06-02-2016 - Joint Mtg. - Chapel Hill Town Council
Agenda - 06-02-2016 - Abstract for Joint Meeting Discussion Items
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6 <br /> The HOME Committee already has many of the characteristics and orientation necessary to <br /> assume the responsibilities of a multijurisdictional affordable housing committee. <br /> He said: <br /> 1. The purpose of the HOME Consortium is to allow jurisdictions to take a more regional <br /> and collaborative approach to affordable housing, recognizing that housing needs <br /> cross Town and County boundaries. <br /> 2. The Committee is already composed of representatives from Orange County, Chapel <br /> Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough. <br /> 3. The HOME Consortium develops the Consolidated Plan which defines housing needs <br /> in the community and an annual Action Plan that describes the specific uses for federal <br /> housing funds. <br /> 4. The HOME Committee already uses a competitive request for proposal process for <br /> soliciting, reviewing, and selecting affordable housing projects. <br /> Travis Myren said the table in the abstract outlined additional tasks that may be <br /> required and where it is suggested to transition the HOME Committee into a Multijurisdictional <br /> Task Force on Affordable Housing. He said based on the feedback tonight, staff would go to <br /> the other jurisdictions for their feedback. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs asked if all the jurisdictions are currently represented. <br /> Travis Myren said yes, with the exception of Mebane. <br /> Mayor Hemminger asked if there are any affordable housing providers in this group. <br /> Travis Myren said no. <br /> Mayor Hemminger said Chapel Hill had a work session recently and found out that 5% <br /> of the total housing in Chapel Hill is for affordable housing. She said they can do better, and <br /> the question is whether to expand the scope of the existing group or create a new one. <br /> Council Member Palmer said she is for fewer boards and thinks that the HOME group <br /> could be tweaked and expanded to fit the need, if that group is willing to do so. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she agreed that the HOME Consortium could work and <br /> when she petitioned for a new group, she had not thought if this possibility. <br /> Council Member Oates said a new group would have a new perspective. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked Commissioner Dorosin since he serves on the HOME <br /> consortium, if this group has discussed this possibility. She said the Orange County Board of <br /> County Commissioners makes new appointments every year, so they could get new blood on <br /> the board that way. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the group has not yet discussed this idea, since the HOME <br /> consortium meets only a few times to review home funding, which is why home providers are <br /> not on the board. He said that this group could expand its scope and meeting schedule, and <br /> staffing for either group would be the same. He said he sees no reason to create a new board <br /> if it is not necessary. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she supports expanding the current charge and meeting <br /> schedule. She said all can think about this and to work with Commissioner Pelissier since she <br /> first proposed it. <br /> Council Member Cianciolo said one addition to the charge should be to come up with a <br /> new strategic plan. <br /> Council Member Palmer said she agreed and thinks this would be very doable. <br /> Council Member Oates said this proposal asks a group of people that have done one <br /> specific thing to do something completely different and come up with a new strategic plan. <br /> She would instead propose a new group and/or new people for a new perspective and ideas. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said a countywide strategic plan is what she was aiming for, <br /> when she petitioned for this committee. <br />
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