Agenda - 01-23-2007-9a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-23-2007
Agenda - 01-23-2007-9a
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6 <br />Attachment 1 <br />Commissioner Carey and Director Wilson, <br />I attended last night's meeting about the waste trasafer station and <br />the Eubanks Road site. My name is Stephen Clossick, and I live on <br />Meadow Run Court. <br />Thank you for coming in to talk to a hostile-crowd. My history in <br />Orange County only goes back to 1989 so I can only partially sympathize <br />with what some of my neighbors who have lived in the area have gone <br />through, with having had the landfill placed in their backyard. <br />However, I was disappointed that no one had a county-wide persepective <br />in approaching the issue. <br />I'd bet good money that the transfer station is going to go on Eubanks, <br />and I'm fine with that because I can't think of anywhere else in orange <br />County that would make much sense geographically and financially. This <br />other site that you mentioned is going to have its own set of <br />neighbors, and at any public meeting they will stand up and ask, "Why <br />can't you use the Eubanks site? You own it, there is space for it, it <br />is optimal geographically; why are you looking at other sites?" The <br />answer is that you have to appease the neighbors along Eubanks, and at <br />the least, make it seem as though there are other places being <br />considered. I wish you had been able to tell folks that last night, but <br />I know you wanted to get home safely. <br />Let me reinforce a couple of things that were said: <br />1. widen .Eubanks - especially over by the park and ride lot - and <br />especially with the new school coming in down there at old 86 2. litter <br />control - I see the guy out there very often policing along Eubanks, <br />they keep it spotless. Maybe you could put an information sign at the <br />start of Eubanks at Airport Rd that says "See an uncovered garbage <br />truck? Call *911 to hotify.the Sheriff." The sheriff may never make it <br />out thereto catch the truck, but if I frequently haul garbage to the <br />transfer station and I know that the cars I pass are looking out for <br />stuff spilling out of my load, I may take a couple of extra minutes to <br />secure it. <br />3. free mulch - send out some certificates that lets the neighbors get <br />2 truckloads of mulch a year, 4. access control -with so much <br />development coming to this part of Chapel Hill/Carrboro, having trucks <br />lumbering in and out of the site is going to back things-up, please <br />make sure you make ingress and egress from 'both side safe and quick 5. <br />cleanliness - not litter per se, but with all those trucks splashing <br />through all that mud, Eubanks is dusty when it is dry and muddy when it <br />is wet. I asked about what kind of surface the roads will be, because I <br />am hoping to see a general reduction of the mud on the road and dust in <br />the air. Concrete pads to the transfer station and the convenience <br />center should help, but see if you can put in some large shrubs that <br />will screen the facility from the road for both noise and dust. My car <br />seems to be dirty all the time from driving through there and I hope <br />that in the future the dirt level will decrease. <br />6. Combine the HHW and the recycling center - makes it convenient. And <br />design the recycling center so all the traffic flows one way, no one <br />has to back up, and maybe you could work it so the trucks can pull <br />2
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