Orange County NC Website
5 <br />Memorandum <br />To: Laura Blackmon, County Manager <br />From: Gayle Wilson, Solid Waste Management Director <br />Subject: Eubanks Road Neighborhood Meeting - Transfer Station Issue <br />Date: January 22, 2007 <br />At the direction of the Board of County Commissioners, staff conducted a Eubanks Road <br />Landfill neighborhood community meeting on January 18, 2006 at the Faith Tabernacle <br />Oasis of Love International Church on Rogers Road. The meeting was intended as an <br />opportunity to discuss the potential location of a transfer station on existing landfill <br />property north of Eubanks Road, to present issues and answer questions related to <br />development of a transfer station, and to solicit input from the neighborhood that can be <br />taken into consideration as the BOCC considers where to locate the facility. <br />The meeting was announced within the community by notices being mailed to the <br />Landfill.Neighborhood Group contacts, articles in the newspapers and hand delivered <br />notices to each household within the neighborhood. Staff also contacted 3 residents who <br />had previously indicated they wished to be notified of any neighborhood meeting. <br />There were about 20 residents in attendance, one elected official from Carrboro, and <br />Chair Moses Carey and Commissioner Foushee of the BOCC. Commissioner Carey <br />presided over the meeting and began the discussion by providing a historical overview of <br />county operations on Eubanks Road. Then Solid Waste Director Gayle Wilson provided <br />a conceptual overview of a possible transfer station on Eubanks Road, describing what a <br />potential transfer station would look like and how it would function, including the <br />anticipated impacts on surrounding neighborhoods and contrasting these with current <br />landfill operations. <br />The comments and questions were numerous, and staff is developing !'summary of the <br />issues discussed. Acoustics in the large room provided less than preferred results from <br />the tape recording of the meeting, but the tape is available to the County Clerk should <br />anyone wish to review the meeting in its entirety. In addition, attached to this <br />memorandum is one resident handout from the meeting and one email from a resident . <br />attendee. <br />Attachments: Citizen E-mail <br />Citizen Handout