Orange County NC Website
residents of the surrounding community. This meeting was held on January 18 at the Faith <br />Tabernacle Oasis of Love International Church on Rogers Road (meeting issues summary to be <br />provided under separate cover as Attachment 3 at the meeting). <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Subsequent to the October 24 meeting, the County was contacted by a <br />property owner indicating the availability of his parcel, located on Highway 70 East in Orange <br />County. Staff was asked-to conduct an analysis of the site option and to present a financial <br />analysis of utilizing this site versus the Eubanks Road location at a future BOCC meeting. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board consider the comments <br />from the neighborhood meeting and provide direction to staff on the next steps to determine the <br />future site of the proposed transfer station.