Agenda - 01-23-2007-8a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-23-2007
Agenda - 01-23-2007-8a
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12/12/2006 TUE 16:45 FAX 0016/021 <br />12 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />(2002). <br />The General Assembly `has delegated the legislative act of adopting and amending zoning <br />regulations to municipalities: Zoning is a legislative act and only the legislative body of a <br />municipality is authorized to adopt and amend zoning ordinances. Only a law making body can <br />adopt and amend a zoning ordinance. Lee.v. Board of Adjustment, 226 N.C. 107, 37 S1.2d 128 <br />(1946); Bran v. Wilson, 259 N.C. 107, 130 S.E.2d 68 (1963); Application. of Rea Constr. Co., <br />272 N.C. 715, 158 S.e.2d 887 (1968). <br />The power of a municipality (cities, towns, and counties) to enact zoning ordinances has <br />been expressly granted by statute. *The authority'to adopt, repeal, and amend zoning regulations <br />is contained in the "enabling act" that is found in the North Carolina General Statutes. The state <br />law for adopting zoning ordinances and amendments for cities is found at N.C. Gen. Stat. Section <br />160A-381 et seq. and for counties is found at 153A-320 et se4. State law provides that the city . . <br />council or the board of county commissioners provide notice to certain landowners. N.C.G.S. <br />§160A-384 outlines specific procedures for adopting zoning ordinances and amendments for <br />cities and towns. See N.C.G.S. §160A-384 attached. State law provides that for cities and towns <br />"zoning regulations and restrictions and zone boundaries may ... be amended, supplemented, <br />changed, modified or repealed." If there is a protest against the change,. "an amendment shall not <br />become effective except by favorable vote of three-fourths of all the members of the city <br />council." N.C.G.S. §160A-385. See N.C.G.S. §160A-385 attached. The state lavtr for adopting <br />zoning ordinances and amendments for counties 1s found at N.C.G.S. § 153A-340. See N.C.G.S. <br />§153A-340 attached: N.C.G.S. §153A-343'and §153A-344 outline.specific procedures for <br />adopting zoning ordinances and amendments for counties. See N.C.G.S. §153A-343 and §153A- <br />344 attached. <br />Zoning or a change in zoning is a legislative act. Regarding counties' authority to amend <br />zoning ordinances,the court In Alderman v. Chatham County. 89 N.C: App. 610,366 S.E M 885 <br />(1988), states "N.C-G.S. 153A-344 expressly gives counties the power to amend their zoning <br />ordinances. As a legislative function, the courity's act of amending its zoning ordinance is entitled <br />to a presumption of validity." S-p Associates V. City of Raleigh, 298 N.C. 207, 258 S.E.2d 444 <br />(1979). The legislative act of enacting or amending a zoning ordinance is invalid if it is <br />unreasonable, arbitrary, or an unequal exercise of legislative power." A county's legislative body <br />has authority to rezone when reasonably necessary to do so in the interests of the public health, <br />safety, morals or general welfare. Ordinarily the only limitation upon this authority is that it may <br />not be exercised arbitrarily or. capriciously. Willis y. Union County, 77 N.C. App: 407,335 <br />S.E.2d 76 (1985). N.C.G.S. 153A-340 contains the legislative grant of power to counties to <br />enact zoning ordinances. Development Associates Inc. V. The Wake County Board of <br />AdLustment, 48 N.C. App. 541, 269 S.E.2d 700 (1980).
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