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1??3 <br />For example, VAWA 2000's self-petitioning provision allows a victim <br />abused by a spouse who is a citizen or lawful permanent resident to <br />obtain legal immigration status. Additionally, VAWA 2000's U and T <br />Visa provisions offer protection for immigrant victims of domestic <br />violence, sexual assault and trafficking who have suffered substantial <br />physical or emotional injury and who cooperate with law enforcement <br />in the investigation and prosecution of the crime, <br />The CLEAR Act would threaten much of the headway that VAWA 2000 <br />made for immigrant victims of domestic violence, and harm thousands <br />of victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and other crimes that <br />Congress intended to help under these laws. <br />"NOW activists and all women's rights supporters must speak out on <br />behalf of.their sisters who are struggling to make better lives for <br />themselves," said Vives. "Tell Congress that they should be searching <br />for ways to help immigrant women and their children rather than <br />stripping them of protections they need." <br />The CLEAR Act will also open the door for greater abuse or <br />misapplication of complex immigration laws, since local police are <br />unlikely to receive the 17 hours of immigration law training that federal <br />agents must receive before they start work. NOW, along with more <br />than 100 other human rights organizations, has come out in opposition <br />to this bill, citing the detrimental effect it will have upon immigrant <br />women and our justice system. Go to to send a <br />message to your congress members on this important issue. <br />Subscribe to Action Alerts and the News and Action Summary at <br /> <br />EO Send or ka Print this page <br />Take Action ( Join / Donate Issues Chapters I About NOW Shop <br />RSS ( Links I Privacy Policy I Home <br />Copyright 1995-2006, All rights reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial use. <br />National Organization for Women