Orange County NC Website
15 <br />XVI. MODIFICATION OF THIS MOU <br />Any modifications to this MOU must be proposed in writing and approved by the signatories. <br />However, modification or amendment of any statute, regulation, case, act or any other authority <br />cited herein shall be deemed to be automatically updated to include any such modification or <br />amendment. ICE shall be responsible for ensuring that Participating MCSO Personnel are fully <br />and timely apprised of such modifications or amendments and receive appropriate and timely <br />training if necessitated by such modifications and amendments. <br />XVII. DURATION AND TERMINATION OF THIS MOU <br />This MOU will be in effect from the date of signing until terminated by any party hereto. <br />Any party to this MOU, upon sixty (60) days prior written notice to the other parries, may <br />terminate it at any time. Such notice shall be delivered personally or by certified or registered <br />mail. <br />In the event of an unforeseen emergency or other exigent circumstances, ICE or MCSO may, <br />upon written notice to the other, temporarily suspend activities under this MOU when resource <br />constraints or competing priorities necessitate. ICE and the MCSO must agree in writing to begin <br />activities under this MOU after such suspension. Notice of termination or suspension by ICE <br />shall be given to the Sheriff of MCSO. Notice of termination or suspension by MCSO shall be <br /> the ICE Assistant Special Agent in Charge in Charlotte, North Carolina. <br />Except for the rights of Participating MCSO Personnel as described herein, this MOU does not, <br />is not intended to, shall not he construed to, and may not be relied upon to create any rights, <br />substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by any person in any matter, civil or criminal. <br />By signing this MOU, each party represents it is fully authorized to enter into this agreement and <br />accepts the terms, responsibilities, obligations and limitations of the Agreement, and agrees to be <br />bound thereto to the fullest extent allowed by law. <br />Julie L. Myers <br />Assistant Secretary <br />U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement <br />Date: <br />Parks Helms, Chairman of the Board of <br />Commissioners, Mecklenburg County, <br />North Carolina <br />Date: <br />Jim Pendergraph, Sheriff <br />Mecklenburg County, North Carolina <br />Date: <br />