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70 <br /> of the plan, the revenue streams may not be active until April 1St instead of January 1St. The <br /> figures in Appendix G: Revenue reflect the partial first-year levy of both a %-cent sales tax and <br /> a $10 vehicle registration fee increase. Over the life of the plan to 2035,the sales tax is <br /> expected to generate approximately$163 million in Year-Of-Expenditure (YOE) dollars. This <br /> tax can only be levied subsequent to a referendum by the Orange Board of County <br /> Commissioners and approval by the voters. <br /> Revenue from the %2-cent sales tax identified in the Bus and Rail Investment Plan for Orange <br /> County can be used for financing, constructing, operating and maintain local public <br /> transportation systems. The funds can be used to supplement but not supplant or replace <br /> existing funds or resources for public transit systems. <br /> B. $7 Vehicle Registration Fee in Orange County <br /> A seven dollar ($7) vehicle registration fee in Orange County means that when an individual <br /> registers a new vehicle or renews the registration for an existing vehicle in Orange County, an <br /> additional $7 per year is added to the cost above the other required registration fees for that <br /> vehicle. <br /> The seven dollar fee in Orange County is expected to bring in $788,000 in 2013 if <br /> implemented for a full year. Discussions with the NC Dept of Revenue indicate that in the first <br /> year of the plan, the revenue streams may not be active until April 1St instead of January 1St. <br /> The figures in Appendix G: Revenue reflect the partial first-year levy of both a %2-cent sales tax <br /> and a $10 vehicle registration fee increase. Over the life of the plan to 2035, the seven dollar <br /> fee is expected to generate$22.5 million in Year-Of-Expenditure (YOE) dollars. The <br /> implementation agreement will articulate how this revenue can be utilized. <br /> C. $3 Vehicle Registration Fee Increase for Triangle Transit in Orange County <br /> A three dollar ($3) vehicle registration fee increase in Orange County means that when an <br /> individual registers a new vehicle or renews the registration for an existing vehicle in Orange <br /> County, an additional $3 per year is added to the cost above the other required registration <br /> fees for that vehicle. An existing $5 fee for vehicle registration supports activities of Triangle <br /> Transit, including bus operations and long-term planning. This fee would be increased to $8 <br /> when the $3 increase is implemented. <br /> The three dollar ($3) fee in Orange County is projected to generate$338,000 in 2013 if <br /> implemented for a full year. Discussions with the NC Dept of Revenue indicate that in the first <br /> year of the plan, the revenue streams may not be active until April 1St instead of January 1St. <br /> The figures in Appendix G: Revenue reflect the partial first-year levy of both a %-cent sales tax <br /> and a $10 vehicle registration fee increase. Over the life of the plan to 2035, the three dollar <br /> ($3) fee is expected to generate$9.7 million in Year-of-Expenditure (YOE) dollars. The <br /> implementation agreement will articulate how this revenue can be utilized. <br /> D. Revenue from Triangle Transit's Rental Car Tax <br /> 9/ 4/ G - Page 123 <br />