Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> PLEASE EXPLAIN HOW YOUR BACKGROUND EXPERIENCES ARE RELEVANT TO THIS TASK FORCE: <br /> I serve as the staff for the Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization, which provides <br /> transportation planning services for a four-county area including the rural portions of <br /> Orange County. I actively participate in bicycle and pedestrian planning in the TARPO <br /> region, and involvement in this committee would seem to be a natural extension of that <br /> work. <br /> PLEASE EXPLAIN YOUR REASONS FOR WANTING TO SERVE ON THIS TASK FORCE: <br /> As stated above, the work of this committee seems like a natural extension of the <br /> transportation planning work conducted by TARP°. Additionally, we have included an <br /> item in our draft FY17 TARPO work plan to allow my staff-time involvement in this <br /> committee, should the Board of Commissioners choose to appoint me. <br /> DO YOU HAVE ANY PERSONAL OR BUSINESS INTEREST(S)THAT COULD CREATE A CONFLICT OF <br /> INTEREST(EITHER REAL OR PERCEIVED)IF YOU ARE APPOINTED TO THIS TASK FORCE? <br /> Yes 0 No 0 If yes,then please explain: <br /> ARE YOU SERVING OR HAVE YOU EVER SERVED ON ANY ORANGE COUNTY TASK FORCE OR <br /> ADVISORY BOARD? <br /> Yes 0 No 0 If yes, please indicate which one(s): <br /> I did serve on the steering committee for the Orange County Comprehensive <br /> Transportation Plan, but that was due to my role in TARPO (which has an official role in <br /> developing CTPs), not due to being appointed by the County. <br /> DO NOT SUBMIT RESUMES OR ATTACHMENTS. <br /> SIGNATURE AND DATE <br /> , signed by Mott hew Day 3/23/2016 <br /> ef.,-) Date 2016 n23 17 54 44 04'00' <br /> Signature Date <br />