Orange County NC Website
Name: Mozelle Chavious <br />Address: 216 W. Union St. <br />City:'Hillsborough, N.C. 27278 <br />Phone Number: 732-3173 <br />Date: October 9, 2006 <br />This set of work specifications outlines work items that were found to contain lead in <br />concentrations above acceptable levels as set in the U.S. Department of Housing and <br />Urban Development (HUD) standards. It is recommended, that any lead hazard <br />remediation work be conducted by workers who are certified by the state to perform lead <br />abatement work.. <br />Leadhazard remediation work must be preformed in compliance with the regulations <br />issued by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development set forth in 24 CRF Part 35, <br />et al and all applicable rulers and any others issued there-under, and all applicable <br />Federal, State and local rules and regulations, regarding notification, -evaluation and <br />reduction oflead-based paint hazards. in residential structures undergoing Federally: <br />Assisted construction or rehabilitation and require the elimination of lead:-based paint <br />hazards. Every contractor or subcontractor, including painting, pursuant to which such <br />Federally-assisted construction•ofrehabilitation is performed, shall include appropriate <br />provisions complying with requirements for notification, evaluation and reduction of <br />lead based paint hazards. <br />The contractor shall be allowed to include in the cost of the project the allowable fee for <br />one (1) complete clearance inspection of the xemediation work performed. The cost of <br />any additional clearance inspections which may be necessary will be born directly by the <br />contractor. <br />16 <br />Contractor must submit a copy of training certification with their bid.