Agenda - 06-21-2016 - 5-a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-21-2016 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 06-21-2016 - 5-a - Minutes
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6/17/2016 10:11:19 AM
Creation date
6/17/2016 10:10:08 AM
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Regular Meeting
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Minutes 06-21-2016
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5 <br /> 1 Commissioner Pelissier said she would like to track recruitment issues, as well as <br /> 2 determining the point in the year at which teachers are leaving: mid-year versus end-of-year. <br /> 3 Commissioner Price said she would like to know why teachers are retiring: is it simply <br /> 4 time for a larger number of people to retire, or are people retiring mid-career. <br /> 5 Commissioner Jacobs said he would like to know if the districts track the substitutes that <br /> 6 are being hired, and if they are qualified to be substitutes. He said he would also like to know <br /> 7 the age level where substitutes are in greatest demand: elementary, middle and/or high school. <br /> 8 Dr. Todd Wirt, OCS Superintendent said, since 2009, the number one reason teachers <br /> 9 have left OCS is to teach elsewhere, and the second reason is retirement. <br /> 10 Donna Coffey offered some observations of where the Manager's recommended budget <br /> 11 has left OCS, and it does not reflect the same values or understanding held by OCS. She said <br /> 12 the Board, teachers, and students have all expressed great concern to the Board of County <br /> 13 Commissioners (BOCC). She said the proposed budget leaves OCS approximately $700,000 <br /> 14 short of funding basic mandates. She said increasing the local supplement is the top priority for <br /> 15 OCS after funding the basic mandates. <br /> 16 Commissioner Jacobs asked if Donna Coffey could clarify the meaning of mandates. <br /> 17 Donna Coffey said it refers to the salary increase and retirement and health insurance <br /> 18 matches. <br /> 19 Dr. Todd Wirt said it also refers to some additional programming for special education. <br /> 20 Commissioner Jacobs asked if it also includes utilities. <br /> 21 Donna Coffey said no. <br /> 22 Commissioner Burroughs asked if data is kept regarding teachers having second jobs. <br /> 23 Dr. Todd Wirt said there is loose data but nothing concrete. <br /> 24 Commissioner Dorosin lamented that Donna Coffey felt the way she does, and that he <br /> 25 thought the BOCC is being supportive of schools. <br /> 26 Commissioner Dorosin asked if there are resource officers in elementary schools. <br /> 27 Donna Coffey said yes. <br /> 28 Commissioner Dorosin asked if elementary schools can receive out of school <br /> 29 suspension or be expelled. <br /> 30 Dr. Todd Wirt said yes. <br /> 31 Donna Coffey said OCS is reviewing its policy manual, and trying to see places where <br /> 32 substantive changes can be made that have no cost, but will still make changes in their student <br /> 33 and teacher's lives. <br /> 34 Commissioner Jacobs said work does need to be done on the budget process, and if <br /> 35 more clarity is needed from the County, it can be provided. He said this has become a very <br /> 36 stilted and contentious process, and he hopes that joint meetings could be used to discuss and <br /> 37 change this process. <br /> 38 Commissioner Jacobs suggested a social event to be held over the summer, for the <br /> 39 BOCC and the school boards get to know each other better. <br /> 40 Commissioner Jacobs said there have not been any in-range county employee salary <br /> 41 increases in seven years, and there have been cost of living allowance increases totaling 7.5% <br /> 42 over the last four years, and not the three previous years before that. <br /> 43 Donna Coffey said she was referring more to the topic of pay for performance. <br /> 44 Commissioner Jacobs said that is new to this year's proposed budget. <br /> 45 Donna Coffey said she had seen it present in the budget for a few years. <br /> 46 Commissioner Rich said this budget process never feels good, and she hopes all can be <br /> 47 more innovative about their relationships and communication going forward. She <br /> 48 acknowledged that the State holds a lot of blame, but the County and the Schools can <br /> 49 communicate more regularly rather than waiting until the last minute. <br />
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