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2 <br /> 3, A phasing plan for the park, and information about the pending Carrboro CUP <br /> application; <br /> 4. The breakdown of water and sewer costs between park and campus; <br /> 5. Staffs review of recommendations submitted by an area citizen; and <br /> 6, Some minor staff-recommended modifications to the master plan to address site utility <br /> and safety issues. <br /> The primary action needed at this time is the adoption of a Master Plan and authorization for <br /> staff to proceed with a Conditional Use Permit application to Carrboro. As shown in the <br /> attached timetable, the preparation of the Conditional Use Permit application to Carrboro is <br /> intensive and is expected to take 4-6 months, due to the level of detail needed for the <br /> application and the need for contracted engineering drawings. Subsequent review and <br /> consideration of the CUP has been estimated by Town staff to take approximately one year. <br /> However, the Board may wish to consider asking the Town to expedite the review timetable, <br /> as was recently done for the CHCCS high school #3. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no cost associated with adoption of the Master Plan. The <br /> proposed Phase I of the park is estimated to cost in the range of$1.6-$2.0 million, <br /> depending on future construction costs and the amount of pre-grading that is done for future <br /> fields as part of Phase I.. A total of $1.2 million is available from the 2001 Parks and Open <br /> Space bond toward this project. In terms of other possible funding sources, the Board has <br /> previously briefly discussed the Soccer Superfund as a possibility ($1,025,000 remaining). <br /> Recent discussions with the designer for the West Ten Soccer Center have indicated that <br /> $375,000 would yield the construction of two soccer fields at that site. The Board may wish <br /> to consider allocating the remaining $650,000 toward Twin Greeks and the two new fields in <br /> Phase I of the park. Other possible funding sources might include the Chapel Hill District <br /> Park payment-in-lieu fund (around $20,000), and a potential N.C. Parks and Recreation Trust <br /> Fund grant application (a grant of up to $500,000 can be submitted in January 2006). <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br /> 1, Adopt the proposed Master Plan (including the staff-recommended utility and safety <br /> modifications) dated May 3, 2005; <br /> 2. Authorize staff to begin the process of preparing the Conditional Use Permit <br /> application to the Town of Carrboro, utilizing the proposed Phase I as shown in the <br /> Master Plan (pending further discussion at the time of CUP application completion <br /> later this year); <br /> 3. Authorize the Chair to send a letter to the Town of Carrboro asking that the CUP <br /> application review process for phase I of Twin Creeks Park be expedited; <br /> 4. Agree to earmark $650,000 from the Soccer Superfund to help construct Phase I of <br /> the park, and authorize staff to submit an application to the Parks and Recreation <br /> Trust Fund in January 2006 (in an amount up to $500,000 to be determined later); <br /> 5. Take under advisement the citizen comments received and staffs review of those <br /> comments, for action at the appropriate time when park construction and future <br /> phases are discussed and approved.. <br />