Orange County NC Website
7 <br />from park advisory boards and others will be appointed this winter to design a master plan for <br />the park. Information from the Cultural Resources Survey will be shared with the committee to <br />assist them in their design work. <br />Orange County has conducted cultural resources surveys as part of the master plan <br />design process for new parks, beginning with the design of Little River Park and Natural Area in <br />1999--another public-private partnership with Durham County. Moreover, in October of 2006 <br />the Orange County Board of Commissioners adopted a new policy requiring cultural and <br />archaeological surveys for all county development projects, demonstrating their awareness of <br />the importance of cultural and archaeological resources and the need to develop a proactive <br />strategy to protect them. <br />The project also offers the opportunity to re-located site 31 OR7, recorded by an amateur <br />many years ago. This Native American site, which contained Middle and Late Archaic and Late <br />Woodland artifacts, appears to be located within the "high probability area" of the subject <br />property. Findings from the Cultural Resources Survey will be added to Orange County's <br />existing GIS data on historic resources and shared with the Office of State Archaeology for <br />incorporation into the statewide data inventory. Much of the County's historic resource <br />information will likely become available through the Internet. The locations of county <br />archaeological sites, however, will not be made accessible to the public. <br />The long-term educational use of the information collected from the survey will depend <br />on the findings and possibly a Phase II Survey to further investigate specific sites. But clearly <br />there are many ways to incorporate findings into low-impact park of this type without disturbing <br />the actual resources, such as display area(s) near the entrance or parking area, interpretative <br />trails with signage, and reconstructions. It would also be possible to create maps or brochures <br />to link the Hollow Rock Access Area with neighboring resources based on a specific theme, <br />Hollow Rock Access Area/New Hope Preserve <br />Orange County, North Carolina Page 2