Orange County NC Website
After reviewing an anticipated schedule for upcoming County projects, staff would like to apply <br />for grant funding to be used toward the completion of cultural and archaeological survey for <br />Hollow Rock Access Area Master Plan (and the remainder of the New Hope Creek Preserve <br />lands). This particular open space project,.a multi jurisdictional effort by Orange and Durham <br />counties, the Town of Chapel Hill and the City of Durham, appears to be the strongest <br />candidate for the grant funds based on the criteria outlined in the Draft Goals and Objectives for <br />the North Carolina Historic Preservation Plan for 2006-2010 (Attachment #3). It is anticipated <br />that the master plan committee will begin work in March. <br />Based on average per acre costs from previous cultural and archaeological surveys for county <br />park projects, staff estimates that it will cost approximately $15,000 to conduct the cultural and <br />archaeological survey for the subject property. <br />Applications are due at the end of January 2007; awards will be announced in March of 2007. <br />All funded projects must be completed by August of 2008. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Should Orange County receive the amount of funding requested, the <br />County and/or other Hollow Rock project partners will be required to contribute the remaining <br />40% of the costs to complete the survey, estimated at $6000. No funding for the Hollow Rock <br />Master Plan effort has been identified to date. The master plan committee is projected to begin <br />work in March. Staffs from the participating jurisdictions will meet soon to discuss possible roles <br />and responsibilities for the project. Based on discussions with other project partners, the <br />Manager and staff will present a recommendation for funding of the local share of the survey at <br />a later date. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board authorize staff to submit <br />the grant application.