Orange County NC Website
It <br />III. Advocacy and Policy: make preservation a key public policy objective supported by well <br />organized and informed advocacy. <br />Create a grassroots advocacy network which will coordinate legislative updates, briefing <br />materials, and events. <br />Examine specific public policy issues such as a rehabilitation building code, governmental office <br />and school locations, archaeological protection policies, stewardship of publicly owned buildings, <br />enforcement of existing laws and policies, and tax credits and incentives for small projects: <br />Revise and widely distribute existing state preservation economic impact study and encourage <br />creation of local preservation economic impact studies. <br />IV. Leadership and capacity: increase the capacity of preservation organizations and the private <br />sector to engage in preservation by fostering strong leadership and management. <br />Use appropriate technology for mapping, record keeping and communication and seek out <br />resources to maintain technology. <br />Seek out new, inventive and dependable sources of funding for preservation projects and <br />programs. <br />Improve visibility of preservation programs and increase accessibility to programs and people. <br />Examine and assess preservation their programs, processes, and services to insure they are <br />operating efficiently and effectively and if not, to seek out ways to improve them. <br />Develop a strategic plan to increase preservation leadership and capacity statewide. <br />V. Identification and evaluation: Continue to develop comprehensive survey data for historic <br />resources throughout the state; evaluate the resources that are known; and make this information <br />accessible. <br />Explore initiatives especially among state agencies and non-traditional partnerships, to secure <br />resources to increase survey and National Register data and make it available, particularly via <br />digital means. <br />Identify thematic and geographic survey and nomination needs in under-surveyed localities and <br />those with older surveys and work to strategically secure resources to address them. <br />Work to integrate historic resource data within state and local governments' GIS systems. <br />Draftgoalsandobjectives 9 25 06 <br />Page 2 of 2