Orange County NC Website
13 <br />DRAFT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES <br />NORTH CAROLINA HISTORIC PRESERVATION PLAN FOR 2006-2010 <br />The following five goals and their associated objectives represent the consensus of the State Historic <br />Preservation Office (HPO) staff, members of the HPO's Public Advisory Committee, and the state's <br />citizens and community leaders who helped create the draft North Carolina Historic Preservation Plan for <br />2006-2010. The plan is scheduled for completion in the fall of 2006. <br />Goals and Objectives <br />1. Outreach and Communication: create a strong preservation network that shares successes and <br />information with a variety of audiences through technology and targeted public relations. <br />Establish a strong preservation network, supported by technology, to include a wide spectrum of <br />parties, for the purpose of improved, proactive and efficient communication. <br />Continue to make preservation data available on-line (programmatic data, survey data, funding <br />information, basic preservation information), create links to other relevant preservation resources <br />and continue to review and revise on-line presence. <br />Reach out and communicate preservation information and success stories to a wide population <br />including non-traditional partners and audiences. <br />Launch a public education/awareness campaign to establish the image of preservation in North <br />Carolina. Give the movement relevance by publishing among other things the economic benefits <br />of preservation. Launch a public relations and "branding" campaign for preservation. <br />Institute a standing statewide Preservation Advisory Committee. <br />H. Education: create new educational opportunities and support existing programs for citizens, <br />students, leaders, professionals and elected officials. <br />Provide training on a variety of topics specifically for decision makers at the state and local levels <br />including elected officials and preservation and planning commission members and staff. <br />Work with established educational institutions and preservation partners to develop formal <br />programs in preservation (including as it relates to architecture, planning and public <br />administration), cultural resource management, and in the preservation-related building trades. <br />Create a task force to examine technical issues and develop curriculum/training and technical <br />briefings. <br />Make educational opportunities available to citizens in their own communities through partnership <br />and technology. <br />Explore heritage education at the secondary level. <br />Development and implement a mentoring program for preservation commission and non profits. <br />Page 1 of 2