<br /> A goal central to the SOCF project is The Three Components of Suitability only a finite time. Thus, unchecked
<br /> for Orange County to move toward ; use of resources has implications for
<br /> becoming a sustainable community. ;`f our future generations.
<br /> What this means is that we must seek `,1 2. Human activity produces harmful
<br /> to develop a community that meets the ! substances, which must be mediated
<br /> ENVIRONMENT ECONOMY to maintain balance in the natural sys-
<br /> needs of the present generation with- ± t
<br /> Natural Resources Business Resources
<br /> out compromising the ability of future tems. Human-generated waste, such as
<br /> generations to meet their needs. ' 4111,*4111 plastics, sewage, and carbon monoxide,
<br /> must be carefully managed to minimize 1
<br /> The meaning of sustainability can be '',••., '" and eliminate damage to the earth.
<br /> further understood by examining the EQUITY . 3. Earth's ecosystems, of which hu-
<br /> following four basic principles regard- (f Human Rn J mans are a part along with other living 1
<br /> /
<br /> ing human needs, natural systems, l• beings, are interdependent and most
<br /> and the relationships between them. ? -.."' stable when they include a diversity of
<br /> 1
<br /> These principles are basic, indisputable species. Overuse and pollution of the I
<br /> truths that govern life on earth. They these principles, and the consequences natural environment has implications
<br /> are global in nature, but apply to our of continuing to violate them, we for maintaining the earth's biodiver-
<br /> local community as well because we are establish a common basis for working sity.
<br /> part of a region, part of a continent, toward becoming a sustainable com- 4. Human needs span physical, eco-
<br /> and part of a world. Our individual munity. nomic, environmental, cultural, social,
<br /> and collective decisions and actions and spiritual dimensions. Human
<br /> affect the quality of human life and Principles needs can be met equitably, justly, and
<br /> the quality of our natural environment 1. For a given natural resource, if the with dignity without compromising the
<br /> not only in the local community, but depletion rate exceeds the replacement physical environment.
<br /> also in the world. By understanding rate, the resource will be available for
<br /> CommunityBuildint
<br /> Though community-building is part of being 3. Honoring a framework of shared values; building, dispute-resolution, negotiation,
<br /> a sustainable community,the way we interact .. mediation;
<br /> Establishing and maintaining networks
<br /> with one another to build community is so of supportive individuals and a climate 6. Supporting wholeness within diversity
<br /> basic to the outcomes we hope to achieve of caring,trust,teamwork,and shared while allowing healthy conflict and an
<br /> that it is appropriate to adopt the concept as responsibility; atmosphere of open dissent;
<br /> a project cornerstone in its own right.
<br /> 5. Establishing and maintaining 7. Establishing and maintaining
<br /> Community-building is the means by which institutional arrangements that diminish collaborative ties among leaders of
<br /> past generations in a given locale are bound polarization,teach diverse groups to know different generations,jurisdictions,
<br /> to new generations, and how the current one another,and encourage coalition- communities, economic sectors, and
<br /> residents relate to one another. Each
<br /> organizations;
<br /> generation must establish the ways in which 8. Supporting strong individual
<br /> it will embody respect for,and give specific \ communities that recognize and accept
<br /> meaning to,the following general principles / responsibility for the larger community's
<br /> It1v
<br /> in order that they and their successors may t
<br /> Ilk PgrzKs well-being;
<br /> experience and advance the concept of \ ` ' ., Trl•A I L
<br /> 41:\ ' I ,' ✓l cRr I.
<br /> 9. Maintaining the existing
<br /> "community". Applying these principles to -,/,-� tl infrastructure of neighborhood
<br /> community issues and decision making will ,
<br /> of i !- ii k , associations, congregations, citizen
<br /> help people to work together effectively and ± "" z - �
<br /> w , groups,youth-serving organizations, and
<br /> live in harmony. (ll;, i 1,,, ��V.''
<br /> y�� ,, i; professional and volunteer associations;�� _ �.
<br /> �`41�• and
<br /> Principles* _���� ,��i. 1/ (1
<br /> \Ir���. .a. . *�� 10. Fostering a community-wide
<br /> 1. Developing an awareness and - "�i `- A
<br /> �+V �_- ;� commitment to the common good.
<br /> understanding of the local traditions, ���L�� \Y 7: '
<br /> history,heritage, and memories; fie'%;.\ t .----/ ° y, *Adapted and modified from an influential article
<br /> i written by John Gardner,entitled"Building Community",
<br /> 2. Creating and maintaining a sense of 1 published in 1996 by Independent Sector,Washington,
<br /> `F1 JOOkDJ� Nho ,{ `�
<br /> identity and belonging; ''' --S —�= - D.C.
<br /> Michael Brown
<br />